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macOS Build Agent Setup

Marc Durdin edited this page May 27, 2021 · 11 revisions

Basic Setup

  1. Install macOS Big Sur + updates
  2. Install XCode, start once
  3. Change sleep preference to never sleep

Keyman for macOS, Keyman for iOS, KeymanWeb, FirstVoices Keyboards for iOS requirements

  1. Install certificates and private keys
    • FVKeyboards certificate
    • Keyman for iOS
    • Keyman for macOS
  2. Install provisioning profiles
    • Keyman x 2
    • FVKeyboards x 2
  3. xcode-select --install
  4. Install Homebrew
  5. brew install node.js
  6. brew install swiftlint
  7. brew install carthage
  8. brew install pandoc
  9. brew install coreutils
  10. brew install getsentry/tools/sentry-cli
  11. brew install jq
  12. brew install bash
  13. brew install wget
  14. brew install cocoapods
  15. brew install adoptopenjdk11
  16. brew install rsync
  17. Install Build Agent software
  18. Add KeymanBuildAgent environment variable to .zshrc and .bashrc
  19. Add ssh keys for publishing artifacts

Keyman Core requirements

  1. brew install meson
  2. curl -sSf | sh

(For now we don't support rebuilding keyboards on macOS for core, until we have a better cross-platform kmcomp)

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