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Keyboard bundles build on demand

Marc Durdin edited this page Nov 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Automatic bundling of keyboards+Keyman Desktop on demand is now in place. The keyboards deploy now takes less than 30 minutes (29:42) instead of over 2 hours, as it no longer builds the bundled installers.

The API shows keyboards that do not yet have up-to-date bundles (they may have old ones). See for more detail on the API.

When you attempt to download a .kmp that does not have a corresponding bundled installer (for Windows), or an outdated installer, the site will trigger a build of the keyboard on TeamCity with the configuration "Build and Deploy Bundled Installer". This goes into the queue and is built once an agent is available to do the work. If you revisit the site later, the bundled installer will then be visible in the downloads.

We have a corresponding bundles API to show expired bundles that can be deleted. This is a good input for periodic cleaning of the downloads server:

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