This repository stores the NetBeans (v8.2) project of the graphical debugger for many-cores called ManyGUI. The current version supports OpenPiton (
We modified OpenPiton hardware model to support the debugging features of ManyGUI. Please follow this steps to use the tool:
Download and install OpenPiton:
Runs the many-core testcase in original OpenPiton version. Check if the testcase is running as expected following the OpenPiton original guidelines.
Patch your OpenPiton project with new files: copy the content of the folder "OpenPitonPatch" located at root of this repository to your root folder of your OpenPiton directory.
The goal of this patch is to insert monitors inside the original code of OpenPiton, allowing it to be integrated with ManyGUI.
Set the bin/ folder as a environment variable:
export PITON_ROOT=/home/user/openpiton
export PATH=${PITON_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} -
Runs a given application using the many-core testcase
- Goes into PITON_ROOT/build
- Calls the following command:
openpiton 3 3 -V -all <name_of_your_c_file> -debug
- The <name_of_your_c_file> is the name of the .c file that implements your application. It must be inside PITON_ROOT/piton/verif/diag/c/riscv/ariane
The simulation should start and ManyGUI must be opened.
If you found problems following this steps, please considers use the OpenPiton version that already is integrated with ManyGUI. To do so, please follow the instructions of this link
This project was develoved in Lab-STICC - UBS, Lorient, France.
Contact:[email protected] (Marcelo Ruaro - postdoc researcher and main developer)
[email protected] (Kevin Martin - supervisor)