A repo for notes, example code, etc.. from the Python: Getting Start course by Bo Milanovich on PluralSight
Dynamic types; no need to declare a variable's type before creating and using it.
def add_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b
answer = 42
pi = 3.14159
answer + pi = 45.14159 # don't worry about conversion
int(pi) == 3
float(answer) == 42.0
'Hello World' == "Hello World" == """Hello World"""
# triple quoted strings are often used as multi-line comments
"hello".capitalize() == "Hello"
"hello".replace("e", "a") == "Hello"
"hello".isalpha() == True
"123".isdigit() == True # useful when converting to an int
"some, csv, values".split(",") == ["some", "csv", "values"]
name = "PythonBo"
machine = "HAL"
"Nice to meet you {0}. I am {1}".format(name, machine)
f"Nice to meet you {name}. I am {machine}" # with Python 3 - string interpolation
python_course = True
java_course = False
int(python_course) == 1
int(java_course) == 0
str(python_course) == "True"
aliens_found = None
number = 5
if number == 5:
print("Number is 5")
print("Number is NOT 5")
text = "python"
if text:
print("Text is defined and truthy")
python_course = True
if python_course: #note: not python_course == True
print("This will execute")
aliens_found = None
if aliens_found:
print("This will NOT execute")
number = 5
if number != 5:
print("This will not execute")
python_course = True
if not python_course:
print("This will also not execute")
number = 3
python_course = True
if number == 3 and python_course:
print("This will execute")
if number == 17 or python_course:
print("This will also execute")
a = 1
b = 2
"bigger" if a > b else "smaller"
student_names = []
student_names = ["Mark", "Katarina", "Jessica"]
student_names[0] == "Mark"
student_names[2] == "Jessica"
student_names[-1] == "Jessica" # last element is a list; first element from the right
student_names[3] = "Homer" # you can't do this
student_names.append("Homer") # adds item to the end
student_names == ["Mark", "Katarina", "Jessica", "Homer"]
"Mark" in student_names == True # Mark is found in the list
len(student_names) == 4 # number of elements in the list
del student_names[2] # removes Jessica from the list
student_names = ["Mark", "Katarina", "Homer"]
student_names = ["Mark", "Katarina", "Homer"]
student_names[1:] == ["Katarina", "Homer"]
student_names[1:-1] == ["Katarina"]
student_names = ["Mark", "Katarina", "Jessica"]
for name in student_names:
print("Student name is {0}".format(name))
for name is student_names:
print(f"Student name is {name}")
x = 0
for index in range(10):
x += 10
print(f"The value of X is {x}")
# range with 2 arguments allows you to start from an index other than 0
x = 0
for index in range(5, 10):
x += 10
print(f"The value of X is {x}")
# range can also be called with 3 arguments: starting index, ending index, increment
x = 0
for index in range(5, 10, 2):
x += 10
print(f"The value of X is {x}")
student_names = ["James", "Katarina", "Jessica", "Mark", "Bort", "Frank Grimes", "Max Power"]
for name in student_names:
if name == "Mark":
print(f"Found him! {name}")
print(f"Currently testing {name}")
for name in student_names:
if name == "Bort":
print(f"Found him! {name}")
print(f"Currently testing {name}")
x = 0
while x < 10:
print(f"Count is {x}")
x += 1
These are very JSON-like data structures with keys and values.
student = {
"name": "Mark",
"student_id": 15163,
"feedback": None
student["name"] == "Mark"
student["last_name"] == KeyError # will throw this if the key is not found
student.get("last_name", "Unknown") # alternative is to use get and specific a default value
student.keys() = ["name", "student_id", "feedback"]
student.values() = ["Mark", 15163, None]
student["name"] = "James"
del student["name"]
# note the brackets here to indicate a list - in this case a list of dictionaries
all_students = [
{"name": "Mark", "student_id": 15163, "feedback": None},
{"name": "Katarina", "student_id": 63112, "feedback": None},
{"name": "Jessica", "student_id": 30021, "feedback": None}
student = {
"name": "Mark",
"student_id": 15163,
"feedback": None
student["last_name"] = "Kowalski"
last_name = student["last_name"]
numbered_last_name = 3 + last_name
except KeyError:
print("Error finding last name")
except TypeError as error:
print("Can't add these two together!")
except Exception:
print("Unknown error")
print("This code executes!")
long # python 2
tuple = (3, 5, 1, "Mark")
set([3, 2, 3, 1, 5]) == (1, 2, 3, 5)
print("Hello World")
str(3) == "3"
int("15") == 15
username = input("Enter the user's name: ")
def add_student(student_id, name):
students = []
student = {"student_id": student_id, "name": name}
add_student(student_id=1, name="Kevin") # named arguments
def variable_arguments(name, *args): # variable number of parameters
def keyword_variable_arguments(name, **kwargs): # variable number of parameters with keywords
print(kwargs["parameter1"], kwargs["parameter2"])
# standard function
def double1(x):
return x * 2
# lambda equivalent
double2 = lambda x: x * 2
# call either function in the same way:
result1 = double1(2)
result2 = double2(2)
In general, classes are OO constructs similar to other OO languages.
There are some Python specific details:
- Class names should be capitalized while function and attribute names should be lowercase
- No access modifiers for classes or their functions
works an a constructor-like method in Python- Not the use of the
keyword in the parameter list - think of it asself.
- example:
creates a instance attribute in the Student class for storing a student's name
- Not the use of the
allows the return of a string representation of the object__repr__
?- Classes can contain class (static) attributes as well as instance attributes
- example: school_name below is a class (static) attribute of the Student class
- No interfaces
- By convention, naming a function with an underscore is an indication that it is "private" and shouldn't be overridden
- No override keyword; you can simply override a function in a derived class by using the same name
- Inheritance is achieved by passing the class within the parenthesis of the new class
- Example:
class DerivedFoo(Foo):
would indicate a new class DerivedFoo inheriting from class Foo
- Example:
- Multiple inheritance is allowed
- The
keyword is used to access the functions and properties of the class being derived from
- The
class Student:
school_name = "Springfield Elementary"
def __init__(self, student_id, student_name):
self.student_id = student_id
self.student_name = student_name
#string representation of the object
#what about __repr__?
def __str__(self):
return "Student: " + self.student_name
def get_name_capitalize(self):
return self.student_name.capitalize()
def get_school_name(self):
return self.school_name