A client for NoSql implemented with swing, first worked for redis.
Note: while using, you should rename the jar to nosqlClient.jar(e.g. nosqlClient-1.3.3.jar --> nosqlClient.jar)
1. Fix: add and remove row function at the Edit pop window
2. Fix: update the history drop box while changed, the connection not changed bug
3. Enhancement: for edit table: row value changed, click the save button
the data not updated, make it update while click the save button
Note: while using, you should
1. Copy the jar file to your nosql direction, remove the old version
2. Rename the file name to nosqlClient.jar(e.g. nosqlClient-1.3.3-1.jar --> nosqlClient.jar)
1. New: Add table filter for table set, list, hash at main frame;(nosqlClient-1.3.2-1)
2. Enhansment: Upgrade client version, add version to constant class;(nosqlClient-1.3.2-2)
3. Fix: release the redis connection to the pools after use the conn;(nosqlClient-1.3.2-3)
1. New: add copy button at main frame;
2. Fix: make the sub jtable column can be sorted.
1. Enhansment: the resize the compoment while the widows size is changed.
2. New: add the db index select combox and auto fill the password while change the history.
3. Enhansment: change the db to sqlite, remove the derby db,
upgrade step:
remove all the files except thress file or dir: jre start.bat;
Upgrade the jar nosqlClient.jar;
then run start.bat to start the client, it will replace the db while started.
note: first will have NUllPointException, the later use will not occure.
1. New: add redis operation result pop message.
2. New: popup the delete config window.
1.New: add the add window and edit window;
1.New: add name and type for table at the right main panel when select the item at left tree.
2.New: add, del and edit button at search window.