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Express Server with SQL on Heroku

Getting started

Initial Setup

  1. Create a new GitHub repo from this template
  2. Clone your repo down, cd into the directory and open vscode
  3. In the terminal, run npm i to install dependencies.
  4. Copy .env-example as .env
  5. Run heroku create
  6. Run npm run setup-heroku to create:
    1. A production heroku SQL database in the cloud to go with your heroku app
    2. A second dev heroku SQL database in the cloud to use when doing local development
    3. It returns the DEV_DATABASE_URL
  7. Copy the DEV_DATABASE_URL from previous step, or run npm run get-dev-db-url to refetch the url

ACP and Branch

  1. ACP your main branch
  2. Work on a new branch: git checkout -b dev (or feature-name or day-02, etc.)

Create data models

There are package.json script for running parts or all of your db setup:

  1. npm run create-tables - create SQL tables
  2. npm run drop-tables - drop SQL tables
  3. npm run recreate-tables - drop and create SQL tables
  4. npm run load-seed-data - load seed data
  5. npm run setup-db - recreate tables and load seed data

Use these scripts while developing your db model. Inspect progress using PGAdmin Tool. Remember, it should be okay to re-run whole process. The purpose of setup-db is to restore your db to a know "setup" state.

Change all the files in the data directory to match the data model of your app:

  1. /data/create-tables.js - SQL to create needed tables
  2. /data/drop-tables.js - SQL to drop all tables
  3. Seed data file - data to load into the db as starter or "seed" data
  4. /data/load-seed-data.js - SQL to insert each item from the seed data array

Running the server

  1. Run npm run start:watch to start the dev server in watch mode

E2E Testing and Adding Routes

  • /__tests__/app.test.js contains testing file for routes. It has before code to run your db setup and after code to close the db connection
  • Use npm run test:watch to start tests in watch mode
  • Routes go in app.js (not server.js)


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