-Run rfraw 177 in your SonOff console -Push all your remote (each Button 2-3 times)
-Save everything from the console that happened after rfraw 177 to a file, e.g. console.txt
a) Run -f console.txt
b) Run -f console.txt -e IP_of_your_Bridge
In case of a) each line of console.txt will be converted into a B0 string and displayed
In case of b) each line of console.txt will be converted into a B0 string and send to the Bridge. Then:
-if the device reacted as expeced, you can enter a name of the button (e.g. "light")
-else enter nothing to try the next
-repeat this until all lines have been tried
-The tool will create a list of buttons -and their B0 codes- that have worked (i.e. for which you have specified a name)
-In the end you can test all of these codes