Releases: kestrel-org/kestrel
Releases · kestrel-org/kestrel
v2.6.3 Fixed esm imports
v2.6.2 Fixes
- Fixed backend start command
v2.6.1 Minor Fixes
- Fixed ESM modules to not have .mjs extension
v2.6.0 Convert backend CommonJS to ESM
- Convert backend CommonJS to ESM
- Update Dependencies
v2.5.0 - Replace old backend library
Replace "community-faker" with "faker-js/faker"
Replace "express-swagger-generator" with "swagger-ui-express" and "swagger-jsdoc"
v2.4.0 - dependencies update
Replace "faker" with "community-faker"
Dependencies update
v2.3.0 - dependencies update
Dependencies update
v2.2.0 - dependencies update
Dependencies update
v2.1.0 - Mailer and dependencies update
Added a mailer function in backend/utils
Dependencies update
v2.0.0 - Full Cli for the template and gitbook documentation
Added a full cli for the template
Log storage changed (now 1 file per day)
Adding the dialect and the session secret in the .env file
Add checkAuthenticated config for the backend
English translation
Added gitbook for documentation
Angular v12