Releases: kernitus/BukkitHotels
1.1.5 - Update checker & sign fix + Hungarian translation
1.1.4 - Fixed error when renting room while owner is offline
- Fixed error when renting room while owner is offline
1.1.3 - Fixed error when placing room sign manually
- Fixed error when placing room sign manually
- Updated to Bukkit 1.12.1
1.1.2 - Updated translations
- Updated German and Russian translations
1.1.1 - Fixes
- Fixed getting no permission message when player does have permission
- Removed some debug messages
1.1.0 - Hotel helpers, /room command & more
For reporting bugs or suggesting new features go here
New features:
- /room command - select room, look at sign and run to automatically setup room & sign
- Hotels helper feature, like room friends, so other players can help you build your hotel
- Internal code changes, reworked commands system entirely
- Added localisation of /ht page
- Added support to extend help pages infinitely in the locale
- Tax cuts on room and hotel sale
- Made plugin fallback to English strings if localised are not available
- Fixed breaking room sign not also removing room region
- Many little fixes here and there
New permissions:
- hotels.helper -> add and remove helpers
- hotels.friend.list.admin -> check other people's friend lists
- hotels.helper.list.admin -> check other people's helper lists
Locale changes:
- removed chat.commands.create.noName
- removed chat.commands.creationMode.noarg
- removed chat.commands.home.regionNotFound
- added chat.commands.create.usage
- added chat.commands.creationMode.usage
- added chat.commands.hotelsList.usage
- added chat.commands.mainpage messages (6), for the /ht messages
- added chat.commands.commands.helperList
- added message
- added message
- changed chat.commands.listRooms to chat.commands.roomslist
- changed chat.commands.friend.wrongData to chat.commands.wrongData
1.0.3 - Updated to 1.12
Updated to work on 1.12
1.0.2 - Translation updates and config auto-upgrade
Warning: Your locale will be backed-up and reset by upgrading to this version. This is for easier updating of the locale in the future
- Added Polish translation (by Kamilkime)
- Updated Russian translations (corrected by SPY_me)
- Made config able to auto-upgrade without resetting your values
- Made locale backup and reset if it is of an older version
1.0.1 - Some bug fixes
- Fixed "gravity updater missing" error message in console
- Fixed "no vault" message appearing in console on start even if Vault is present
- Updated permissions references in plugin.yml (useful for plugins that give you information about other plugins)
1.0.0 - Finally
There were too many changes to list them all, besides, I can't even remember them all. So, apart from rewriting most of the plugin to have somewhat of a usable API for other plugins, and be insanely more efficient, these are the main new features:
- Separate reception signs folders for each hotel, no reception task or right click to update but instead update on events
- Buying and selling of rooms
- Added ability for rooms to get saved to schematics and reset after rent expires
- Many, many other things for you to find out, including a few bugs :)
New permissions:
- hotels.reset.toggle
- hotels.reset.reset
New chat strings: (If you wish to help translating go here)
chat.commands.somethingWentWrong: '&4Whoops! Something went wrong while executing that command'
chat.commands.fileSaveFail: '&4Something went wrong while saving a file'
chat.commands.consoleRejected: '&4The console can''t run this command!' '&4Could not delete room'
chat.commands.sellroom.consoleRejected: The console can't buy a room!
chat.commands.sellroom.usage: '&4Correct usage: &6&o/ht sellr '
chat.commands.sellroom.sellingAlreadyAsked: '&4You have already asked the player %buyer% if they wish to buy your room!'
chat.commands.sellroom.sellingAsked: '&aThe player %buyer% has been asked if they wish to buy your room'
chat.commands.sellroom.selling: '&aPlayer %seller% is selling their room %room% of the %hotel% hotel to you for $%price%. Type &6&o/ht buyr %hotel% %room% &r&ato buy it'
chat.commands.sellroom.success: '&aYou have just sold your room %room% of the %hotel% hotel to player %buyer% for $%price%'
chat.commands.buyroom.consoleRejected: The console can't buy a room!
chat.commands.buyroom.usage: '&4Correct usage: &6&o/ht buyr '
chat.commands.buyroom.notOnSale: '&4That room is not on sale!'
chat.commands.buyroom.success: '&aYou have just bought room %room% of the %hotel% hotel from %seller% for $%price%'
chat.commands.roomreset.enable: '&3The room %room% of the %hotel% hotel will now reset on rent expiry'
chat.commands.roomreset.disable: '&cThe room %room% of the %hotel% hotel will no longer reset on rent expiry'
chat.commands.roomreset.usage: '&4Correct usage: &6&o/ht roomreset '
chat.commands.resetroom.usage: '&4Correct usage: &6&o/ht resetroom '
chat.commands.resetroom.notSetup: '&4This room is not setup to reset!'
chat.commands.resetroom.success: '&aRoom %room% of the %hotel% hotel has just been reset'
chat.commands.commands.roomreset: '&6/ht roomreset - &aToggles resetting un unrent for specified room'
chat.commands.commands.resetroom: '&6/ht resetroom - &aResets specified room'
chat.commands.commands.sellr: '&6/ht sellr - &aOffers for sale your room to specified player'
chat.commands.commands.buyr: '&6/ht buyr - &aBuys room off of room owner if they offered it for sale to you' '&4Sign can''t be inside room region!'
sign.delete.roomNonExistent: 'Sign file %filename% was deleted as the room doesn''t exist'
chat.commands.sellhotel.selfSale: '&4You can''t sell this to yourself!'
sign.reception.hotel: '&1%hotel% Hotel'
chat.commands.friend.alreadyFriend: '&4You have already added this friend!'