Releases: kermitt2/grobid
Releases · kermitt2/grobid
- Identified URLs are now added in the TEI output #1099
- Added DL models for patent processing #1082
- Copyrights owner and licenses identification models #1078
- Add research infrastructure recognition for funding processing #1085
- Add paragraphs coordinates in the TEI output #1068
- Specify configuration file with DL models enabled for the full docker image #1117
- Support for biblio-glutton 0.3 #1086
- Update affiliation process #1069
- Improved the recognition of URLs using (when available) PDF annotations, such as clickable links
- Updated TEI schema #1084
- Review patent process #1082
- Add Kotlin language to support development and testing #1096
- Avoid splitting URLs between sentences #1097
- Add missing sentence segmentation in funding and acknowledgement #1106
- Docker image was optimized to reduce the needed space #1088
- Fixed OOBE when processing large quantities of notes #1075
- Corrected
coordinate attribute name #1070 - Fix missing coordinates in paragraph continuation #1076
- Fixed JSON log output
- Fixed notes identification #1124
- Fixed extraneous semicolon in the training data #1133
- Reduced security vulnerabilities in the dependencies #1136 #1137
New Contributors
- @tanaynayak made their first contribution in #1133
- @vipulg13 made their first contribution in #1137
Version 0.8.0
- Extraction of funder and funding information with a specific new model, see #1046 for details
- Optional consolidation of funder with CrossRef Funder Registry
- Identification of acknowledged entities in the acknowledgement section
- Optional coordinates in title elements
- Dropwizard upgrade to 4.0
- Minimum JDK/JVM requirement for building/running the project is now 1.11
- Logging now with Logback, removal of Log4j2, optional logs in json format
- General review of logs
- Enable Github actions / Disable circleci #678
Version 0.7.3
- Support for JDK beyond 1.11, tested up to Java 17, thanks to removal of dynamic native library loading after the start of the JVM
- Incremental training (all models and ML engines), add this option in training command line and training web service (#971)
- Systematic benchmarking on two new sets: PLOS (1000 artilces) and eLife (984 articles)
- All end-to-end evaluation datasets are now available from the same place:
- Option to output coordinates in notes and figure/table captions
- Support for Mac ARM architecture (#975)
- Play With Docker documentation (#962)
- Update to DeLFT version 0.3.3
- Demo now hosted as HuggingFace space
- Additional training data, in particular for citation, reference-segmenter, segmentation, header, etc.
- Update Deep Learning models (and some of the CRF)
- The standard analyzer for sub-lexical tokenization is available in grobid-core, and used for the citation model (in particular for improving CJK references) (#990)
- Update evaluations
- Correct wrong content type in doc for processCitation web service
- Sentence segmentation applied to notes (#995)
- Other minor fixes
Version 0.7.2
- Explicit identification of data/code availability statements (#951) and funding statements (#959), including when they are located in the header
- Link footnote and their "callout" marker in full text (#944)
- Option to consolidate header only with DOI if a DOI is extracted (#742)
- "Window" application of RNN model for reference-segmenter to cover long bibliographical sections
- Add dynamic timeout on pdfalto_server (#926)
- A modest Python script to help to find "interesting" error cases in a repo of JATS/PDF pairs, grobid-home/scripts/
- Update to DeLFT version 0.3.2
- Some more training data (authors in reference, segmentation, citation, reference-segmenter) (including #961, #864)
- Update of some models, RNN with feature channels and CRF (segmentation, header, reference-segmenter, citation)
- Review guidelines for segmentation model
- Better URL matching, using in particular PDF URL annotation in account
- Fix unexpected figure and table labeling in short texts
- When matching an ORCID to an author, prioritize Crossref info over extracted ORCID from the PDF (#838)
- Annotation errors for acknowledgement and other minor stuff
- Fix for Python library loading on Mac
- Update docker file to support new CUDA key
- Do not dehyphenize text in superscript or subscript
- Allow absolute temporary paths
- Fix redirected stderr from pdfalto not "gobbled" by the java ProcessBuilder call (#923)
- Other minor fixes
Version 0.7.1
- Web services for training models (#778)
- Some additional training data for bibliographical references from arXiv
- Add a web service to process a list of reference strings, see
- Extended processHeaderDocument to get result in bibTeX
- Update to DeLFT version to 0.3.1 and TensorFlow 2.7, with many improvements, see
- Update of Deep Learning models
- Update of JEP and add install script
- Update to new biblio-glutton version 0.2, for improved and faster bibliographical reference matching
- circleci to replace Travis
- Update of processFulltextAssetDocument service to use the same parameters as processFulltextDocument
- Pre-compile regex if not already done
- Review features for header model
Version 0.7.0
- New YAML configuration: all the settings are in one single yaml file, each model can be fully configured independently
- Improvement of the segmentation and header models (for header, +1 F1-score for PMC evaluation, +4 F1-score for bioRxiv), improvements for body and citations
- Add figure and table pop-up visualization on PDF in the console demo
- Add PDF MD5 digest in the TEI results (service only)
- Language support packages and xpdfrc file for pdfalto (support of CJK and exotic fonts)
- Prometheus metrics
- BidLSTM-CRF-FEATURES implementation available for more models
- Addition of a "How GROBID works" page in the documentation
- JitPack release (RIP jcenter)
- Improved DOI cleaning
- Speed improvement (around +10%), by factorizing some layout token manipulation
- Update CrossRef requests implementation to align to the current usage of CrossRef's
response parameter
- Fix base url in demo console
- Add missing pdfalto Graphics information when
is used, fix graphics data path in TEI - Fix the tendency to merge tables when they are in close proximity
Version 0.6.2
- Docker image covering both Deep Learning and CRF models, with GPU detection and preloading of embeddings
- For Deep Learning models, labeling is now done by batch: application of the citation DL model is 4 times faster for BidLSTM-CRF (with or without features) and 6 times faster for SciBERT
- More tests for sentence segmentation
- Add orcid of persons when available from the PDF or via consolidation (i.e. if in CrossRef metadata)
- Add BidLSTM-CRF-FEATURES header model (with feature channel)
- Add bioRxiv end-to-end evaluation
- Bounding boxes for optional section titles coordinates
- Reduce the size of docker images
- Improve end-to-end evaluation: multithreaded processing of PDF, progress bar, output the evaluation report in markdown format
- Update of several models covering CRF, BidLSTM-CRF and BidLSTM-CRF-FEATURES, mainly improving citation and author recognitions
- OpenNLP is the default optional sentence segmenter (similar result as Pragmatic Segmenter for scholar documents after benchmarking, but 30 times faster)
- Refine sentence segmentation to exploit layout information and predicted reference callouts
- Update jep version to 3.9.1
- Ignore invalid utf-8 sequences
- Update CrossRef multithreaded calls to avoid using the unreliable time interval returned by the CrossRef REST API service, update usage of
and update the deprecated crossref fieldquery.title
- Missing last table or figure when generating training data for the fulltext model
- Fix an error related to the feature value for the reference callout for the fulltext model
- Review/correct DeLFT configuration documentation, with a step-by-step configuration documentation
- Other minor fixes
Version 0.6.1
- Support of line number (typically in preprints)
- End-to-end evaluation and benchmark for preprints using the bioRxiv 10k dataset
- Check whether PDF annotation is orcid and add orcid to author in the TEI result
- Configuration for making sequence labeling engine (CRF Wapiti or Deep Learning) specific to models
- Add a developers guide and a FAQ section in the documentation
- Visualization of formulas on PDF layout in the demo console
- Feature for subscript/superscript style in fulltext model
- New significantly improved header model: with new features, new training data (600 new annotated examples, old training data is entirely removed), new labels and updated data structures in line with the other models
- Update of the segmentation models with more training data
- Removal of heuristics related to the header
- Update to gradle 6.5.1 to support JDK 13 and 14
- TEI schemas
- Windows is not supported in this release
- Preserve affiliations after consolidation of the authors
- Environment variable config override for all properties
- Unfrequent duplication of the abstract in the TEI result
- Incorrect merging of affiliations
- Noisy parentheses in the bibliographical reference markers
- In the console demo, fix the output filename wrongly taken from the input form when the text form is used
- Synchronisation of the language detection singleton initialisation in case of multithread environment
- Other minor fixes
Version 0.6.0
- Table content structuring (thanks to @Vitaliy-1), see PR #546
- Support for
(thanks to @koppor) - Optionally include raw affiliation string in the TEI result
- Add dummy model for facilitating test in Grobid modules
- Allow environment variables for config properties values to ease Docker config
- ChangeLog
- Improve CORS configuration #527 (thank you @lfoppiano)
- Documentation improvements
- Update of segmentation and fulltext model and training data
- Better handling of affiliation block fragments
- Improved DOI string recognition
- More robust n-fold cross validation (case of shared grobid-home)
Version 0.5.6
- Better abstract structuring (with citation contexts)
- n-fold cross evaluation and better evaluation report (thanks to @lfoppiano)
- Improved PMC ID and PMID recognition
- Improved subscript/superscript and font style recognition (via pdfalto)
- Improved JEP integration (support of python virtual environment for using DeLFT Deep Learning library, thanks @de-code and @lfoppiano)
- Several bug fixes (thanks @de-code, @bnewbold, @Vitaliy-1 and @lfoppiano)
- Improved dehyphenization (thanks to @lfoppiano)