YoMama was started as a World Of Warcraft addon. Select your mark, type /yomama and your character will insult him/her with a random quote.
A stand alone Android app is also available at Google Play.
Here is a full list of slash commands:
/yomama_crap : Displays a random crap insult
/yomama_fart : Performs the /fart emotion, and displays a random fart insult
/yomama_person : Insults your mark by commenting on his/her personality (fart-related)
/yomama_mom : Displays a random "Your Mama" insult
/yomama_blonde : Displays a random blonde-kind of joke, targeting your mark
/yomama_rude : Insults your mark with a rude statement
/yomama : Performs one of the above randomly
/yomama_victory : Performs a random insulting emotion. Best practice: Use after defeating / incapacitating your enemy
World Of Warcraft has an age rating of 12+, and I made my best efforts to keep the "filth level" of the insults at a corresponding level. However; this is no promise and keep in mind that some dirty jokes might be present inbetween. Please make sure that you have read Blizzard's policies at http://www.wow-europe.com/en/legal and http://www.wow-europe.com/en/policy. If you end up in trouble with a GM because you insulted other characters in the game with this addon, well, its your problem.