This was created in an effort to allow the better organization of an i3 config
file. Currently there is no way to include extra files in the main
Here is an example of how your i3 config can look by using this script:
Create a new directory in your ~/.i3
directory called config.d
. In this
directory you will need a configs import file. This script assumes that the
imports file is named i3_configs.conf
, create it with the contents following
this pattern:
# ~/.i3/config.d/i3_configs.conf
# the vars file needs to be first so that other config files can use the vars
# defined within it.
import vars.conf;
import base.conf;
import colors.conf;
import gaps.conf;
import menus.conf;
import screenshots.conf;
import terminal.conf;
import todo.conf;
import containers.conf;
import workspaces.conf;
import xf86.conf;
Each one of the above referenced files will be located in the config.d
directory and will be formatted the same as your current i3 config file. This
way you can separate the configuration options for different parts of your i3
configuration and feel a little more organized.
Once you have this structure setup, you can execute create_config
and it will
delete your current ~/.i3/config
file and create a new one using the files
that in your i3_configs.conf
Execute the create_config
script in these places so that you are always using
your latest edits:
# load Xresources
xrdb -load ~/.Xresources &
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
#load xmodmap
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
#create i3 config
#start i3
exec i3
# i3 shorcuts for reload/restart
bindsym $mod+$other+Shift+C exec ~/.i3/create_config reload
bindsym $mod+$other+Shift+R exec ~/.i3/create_config restart