Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Start the mongo daemon (in a new terminal):
$ sudo mongod
Register your application with GitHub
Application Name: your-unique-app-name-here
Main URL: http://localhost:3000
Callback URL: http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback
Create a file named settings_testing.json and save to your node application root
//paste this file and replace id + secret key values from your registered application
"GITHUB_OAUTH2_ID": "paste-your-id-here",
"GITHUB_OAUTH2_SECRET": "paste-your-secret-here"
Start the server (in another terminal; tmux anyone?):
$ node app
Open the Mongo shell (in YAT; tmuxinator?):
$ mongo
Add a user record:
> ken = {name: 'ken bolton', created_at: new Date()}
{ "name" : "ken bolton", "created_at" : ISODate("2012-05-16T23:28:23.670Z") }
Add a couple of events:
> event1 = {title: "Ken's Birthday", starts_at: new Date(2012, 6, 27), description: 'He will be even older'}
> event2 = {title: 'Pi Day', starts_at: new Date(2013, 2, 14), description: 'Everyone loves Pi'}
Then open the a browser to http://localhost:3000/user/