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Building KeePassXC

Janek Bevendorff edited this page Feb 21, 2024 · 68 revisions

Required Dependencies

KeePassXC supports the following Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 and 11
  • MacOS 11.0+
  • Linux (Ubuntu 18.04+/Debian Buster+/Mint 19+/Fedora 33+/RHEL 7+/CentOS 7+/Arch)

The following build tools must exist in your PATH:

  • cmake (>= 3.10.0)
  • make (>= 4.2) or ninja (>= 1.10)
  • g++ (>= 4.9) or clang++ (>= 6.0)
  • asciidoctor (>= 2.0)

Besides a working C++ toolchain, KeePassXC also has a number of direct build and runtime dependencies. For detailed information about how to install them, please see Set up Your Build Environment below.

Build Options

KeePassXC comes with a variety of build options that can turn on/off features. Most notably, we allow you to build the application with all TCP/IP networking code disabled. Please note that we still require and link against Qt5's network library in order to use local named pipes on all operating systems. Each of these build options are supplied at the time of calling cmake. For example: cmake -DWITH_XC_AUTOTYPE=ON -DWITH_XC_NETWORKING=OFF -DWITH_XC_KEESHARE=ON ..

-DWITH_XC_AUTOTYPE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable Auto-Type (default: ON)
-DWITH_XC_YUBIKEY=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable YubiKey HMAC-SHA1 authentication support (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_BROWSER=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable KeePassXC-Browser extension support (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_NETWORKING=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable Networking support (e.g., favicon downloading) (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_SSHAGENT=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable SSHAgent support (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_FDOSECRETS=[ON|OFF] (Linux Only) Enable/Disable Secrets Service support (default:OFF)
-DWITH_XC_KEESHARE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable KeeShare group synchronization extension (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_ALL=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable compiling all plugins above (default: OFF)

-DWITH_XC_UPDATECHECK=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable automatic updating checking (requires WITH_XC_NETWORKING) (default: ON)

-DWITH_TESTS=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable building of unit tests (default: ON)
-DWITH_GUI_TESTS=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable building of GUI tests (default: OFF)
-DWITH_DEV_BUILD=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable deprecated method warnings (default: OFF)
-DWITH_ASAN=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable address sanitizer checks (Linux / macOS only) (default: OFF)
-DWITH_COVERAGE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable coverage tests (GCC only) (default: OFF)
-DWITH_APP_BUNDLE=[ON|OFF] Enable Application Bundle for macOS (default: ON)

-DKEEPASSXC_BUILD_TYPE=[Snapshot|PreRelease|Release] Set the build type to show/hide stability warnings (default: "Snapshot")
-DKEEPASSXC_DIST_TYPE=[Snap|AppImage|Other] Specify the distribution method (default: "Other")
-DOVERRIDE_VERSION=[X.X.X] Specify a version number when building. Used with snapshot builds (default: "")
-DGIT_HEAD_OVERRIDE=[XXXXXXX] Specify the 7 digit git commit ref for this build. Used with distribution builds (default: "")

Building Manually

1. Set up your build environment

Use the following guides to setup your build environment:

2. Building


Download the sources from and unpack them:

tar xf keepassxc-*-src.tar.xz

or pull them directly from Git (note: default branch is develop):

git clone

Now change into the source directory and run the following commands. If you would like to run tests after building, add -DWITH_TESTS=ON -DWITH_GUI_TESTS=ON before the ..

mkdir build
cd build
make -j8
sudo make install

If you don't want to install KeePassXC at all, you can also run it directly from the build directory:



Download and unpack the source code as described in the Linux section, change into the source code directory and run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake \
make -j8 package

Make sure that ${VCPKG_ROOT} points to your vcpkg installation. Omit -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE and -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET if you installed dependencies via Homebrew.

Replace arm64-osx-dynamic-release with x64-osx-dynamic-release if you compile for Intel Macs. Setting the correct triplet is important! The default arm64-osx or x64-osx triplets will compile Qt as a static library, which will result in lots of linker errors that will give you lots of headaches.

If you installed Qt5 via Homebrew and CMake fails to find your Qt installation, you can specify it manually by adding the following parameter:

-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt5)/lib/cmake

When building with ASAN support on macOS, you need to use export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 before running the tests (LSAN is no supported on macOS).


The preferred way to build on Windows is using MSVC, for which you have to open an MSVC Tools Command Prompt. If instead, you are using Msys2, open a MSYS2 MinGW terminal (not MSYS2 MSYS which is the default).

Download and unpack the source code as described in the Linux section. To build KeePassXC with MSVC, open a PowerShell, change into the source code directory, and run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DWITH_XC_ALL=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ..
make -j8 package

Make sure that -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE points to the correct path of your vcpkg installation.

If you build with Msys2, omit -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE and -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET altogether and add -G "MSYS Makefiles" instead.

3. Running tests

If you compiled KeePassXC with the CMake flags -DWITH_TESTS=ON and -DWITH_GUI_TESTS=ON, you can run our unit test suite with:

make test

Note: the importcsv test requires a UTF-8 environment to run successfully.

Building using the release-tool

Starting with version 2.1.1, KeePassXC ships with a release-tool that automates building release packages from a specified release tag (the --version parameter). To see a help listing for the command, download and unpack the source code as described in the Linux section, change into the source directory and run

./release-tool help

The release-tool has three subcommands. You can get help for each by running

./release-tool help <COMMAND>

Sub commands are:


$ ./release-tool help build
KeePassXC Release Preparation Helper
Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team <>

Usage: release-tool build [options]

Build and package binary release from sources

  -v, --version           Release version number or name (required)
  -a, --app-name          Application name (default: 'KeePassXC')
  -s, --source-dir        Source directory (default: '.')
  -o, --output-dir        Output directory where to build the release
                          (default: 'release')
  -t, --tag-name          Release tag to check out (defaults to version number)
  -b, --build             Build sources after exporting release
  -d, --docker-image      Use the specified Docker image to compile the application.
                          The image must have all required build dependencies installed.
                          This option has no effect if --build is not set.
      --container-name    Docker container name (default: 'keepassxc-build-container')
                          The container must not exist already
  -c, --cmake-options     Additional CMake options for compiling the sources
      --compiler          Compiler to use (default: 'g++')
  -m, --make-options      Make options for compiling sources (default: '-j8')
  -i, --install-prefix    Install prefix (default: '/usr/local')
  -p, --plugins           Space-separated list of plugins to build
                          (default: autotype)
  -n, --no-source-tarball Don't build source tarball
  -h, --help              Show this help

merge (only useful for KeePassXC maintainers)

$ ./release-tool help merge
KeePassXC Release Preparation Helper
Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team <>

Usage: release-tool merge [options]

Merge release branch into main branch and create release tags

  -v, --version        Release version number or name (required)
  -a, --app-name       Application name (default: 'KeePassXC')
  -s, --source-dir     Source directory (default: '.')
  -g, --gpg-key        GPG key used to sign the merge commit and release tag,
                       leave empty to let Git choose your default key
                       (default: '')
  -r, --release-branch Source release branch to merge from (default: 'release/VERSION')
      --target-branch  Target branch to merge to (default: 'master')
  -t, --tag-name       Override release tag name (defaults to version number)
  -h, --help           Show this help

sign (only useful for KeePassXC maintainers)

$ ./release-tool help sign
KeePassXC Release Preparation Helper
Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team <>

Usage: release-tool sign [options]

Sign previously compiled release packages

  -f, --files       Files to sign (required)
  -g, --gpg-key     GPG key used to sign the files (default: 'CFB4C2166397D0D2')
  -h, --help        Show this help

If you are not a KeePassXC maintainer, the only interesting command for you is release-tool build. This will automate the compilation and packaging steps described above and also perform a few more packaging steps such as exporting a source tarball and building an AppImage on Linux.

When not specified otherwise, it will create a directory called release containing the build directory, a source tarball and the packaged binary bundles. On Linux, there will also be a directory release-bin inside the release directory, containing stripped versions of all the compiled binaries without additional dependencies.

Building inside a Docker container

The release-tool also allows you to build KeePassXC inside a Docker container on Linux. This is important when building a cross-platform AppImage. To pull the needed Docker image, run

docker pull keepassxc/keepassxc-ci

This will pull the latest Docker image from the Docker hub registry. You can then start the build process with

./release-tool build -v VERSION --appimage -d keepassxc/keepassxc-ci

Important: rebuild the image regularly with --no-cache to ensure it has the latest security updates!