A plugin written in lua, this is my first attempt to create a nvim-plugin.
Install using nvim package manager
-- packer
use "kedde/pomodoro.nvim"
This plugin can be used with a status line, like lualine or a notify plugin like nvim-notify or a combination of them
e4b854 highlight NotifyERRORBorder guifg=#8A1F1F TODO: print(" ")
nvim --cmd "set rtp+=$(pwd)" .
## running nvim without vimrc files and plugins
nvim -u NONE
## running nvim without vimrc but still plugins
nvim -u NORC
## start neovim no plugins
nvim --noplugin
-- Local plugins can be included
use '~/code/pomodoro.nvim'
- callback - can be used with lua line or notifier
- posible to change the length of breaks and pomodoros configurable
- define callback frequency - possible to update lualine etc
- lua line - example
- Get times in mm:ss?
- lua test - started
- log - instead of print
- change the timer code - thinking of the -1 hack - can I just using something like
vim.defer_fn - update usage description
- check - lua style
- Persist state between neovim instances - this will require we save date and time? sql-lite database - tami0 made a lua implemation?
would this be enough:
number | pomodoro | time | work - item |
1 | PomodoroStarted | yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss | work - item |
2 | PomodoroStopped | yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss | |
3 | PomodoroBreak | yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss |