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Nuke 10.0

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@kean kean released this 31 May 15:48

Nuke 10 is extreme in every way. It is faster than the previous version (up to 30% improvement to some operations), more powerful, more ergonomic, and is even easier to learn and use. It brings big additions to the caching infrastructure, great SwiftUI and Combine support, and more ways to adjust the system to fit your needs.

This release is also a massive step-up in the general quality of the framework. It has many improvements to the docs (for example, a complete rewrite of the caching guide), more inline comments, more unit tests (Nuke now has ~100% test coverage with 2x number of lines of code in the test target compared to the main target). It's as reliable as it gets.

Migration. The compiler will assist you with the migration, but if something isn't clear, there is a comprehensive migration guide available.

Switching. Switching from Kingfisher? There is now a dedicated guide available to assist you. There is also one for migrating from SDWebImage.


  • Add DataCachePolicy to replace deprecated DataCacheOptions.storedItems. The new policy fixes some of the inefficiencies of the previous model and provides more control. For example, one of the additions is an .automatic policy: for requests with processors, encode and store processed images; for requests with no processors, store original image data. You can learn more about the policies and other caching changes in "Caching: Cache Policy."
  • Add ImagePipeline.Cache with a whole range of convenience APIs for managing cached images: read, write, remove images from all cache layers.
  • Add ImagePipeline.Configuration.withDataCache (aggressive disk cache enabled) and withURLCache (HTTP disk cache enabled) to make it easier to set up a pipeline with a configuration you want. Learn more in "Caching: Configuration."
  • Add removeAll() method to ImageCaching and DataCaching protocols
  • Add containsData(for:) method to DataCaching and DataCache which checks if the data exists without bringing it to memory
  • Add ImageResponse.CacheType to address #361 and #435. It defines the source of the retrieved image.
  • The pipeline no longer stores images fetched using file:// and data:// schemes in the disk cache
  • ImageCaching protocols now works with a new ImageCacheKey type (an opaque container) instead of ImageRequest. If you are providing a custom implementation of the ImageCaching protocol, it needs to be updated. It is now easier because there is no need to come up with a key.

NukeUI (Beta)

NukeUI is a new Swift package. It is a comprehensive solution for displaying lazily loaded images on Apple platforms. The library contains two types:

  • LazyImage for SwiftUI
  • LazyImageView for UIKit and AppKit

Both views have an equivalent sets of APIs.

The library uses Nuke for loading images and has many customization options. It also supports GIF rendering thanks to Gifu. GIF is not the most efficient format, so NukeUI also supports playing short videos out of the box.

struct ContainerView: View {
    var body: some View {
        LazyImage(source: "")
            .placeholder { Image("placeholder") }
            .transition(.fadeIn(duration: 0.33))


Nuke now has first-class SwiftUI support with FetchImage which is now part of the main repo, no need to install it separately. It also has a couple of new additions:

  • Add result property (previously you could only access the loaded image)
  • Add AnyPublisher support via a new func load<P: Publisher>(_ publisher: P) where P.Output == ImageResponse, P.Failure == ImagePipeline.Error method. You can use it with a custom publisher created by combining publishers introduced in Nuke 9.6.
  • Add ImageRequestConvertible support


Nuke 10 goes all-in on Combine. ImagePublisher was initially introduced in the previous release, Nuke 9.6, and now Combine is supported across the framework.

  • ImageRequest now supports Combine Publisher via a new initializer ImageRequest(id:data:) where data is a Publisher. It can be used in a variety of scenarios, for example, loading data using `PhotosKit.
  • As mentioned earlier, FetchImage now also supports publishers. So when you create a publisher chain, there is now an easy way to display it.


Nuke 10 has a reworked ImageRequest.Options option set replacing removed ImageRequestOptions. The name is similar, but the options are slightly different. The new approach has more options while being optimized for performance. ImageRequest size in memory reduced from 176 bytes to just 48 bytes (3.7x smaller).

  • Deprecate ImageRequest.CachePolicy which is now part of the new ImageRequest.Options option set
  • Remove filteredURL, you can now pass it using userInfo and .imageIdKey key instead. It's a rarely used option, and this is why it is now less visible.
  • Remove cacheKey and loadKey (hopefully, nobody is using it because these weren't really designed properly). You can now use the new methods of ImagePipeline.Delegate that allows customizing the keys.
  • Add more options for granular control over caching and loading. For example, ImageRequest.Options has a new .disableDiskCache option.
  • Move userInfo directly to ImageRequest. It's now easier to pass and it allows the framework to perform some additional optimizations.
  • userInfo now uses ImageRequest.UserInfoKey wrapper for keys replacing AnyHashable. The new approach is faster and adds type-safety.



  • ImageRequest size in memory reduced from 176 bytes to just 48 bytes (3.7x smaller), which is due to the OptionSet usage and also reordering of properties to take advantage of gaps in memory stride. The size of other types was also reduced, but not as dramatically. For example, ImageTask and ImagePipeline.Configuration now also take a bit less memory
  • Coalescing now supports even more scenarios. For example, setting ImageRequest options with a cache policy no longer prevents coalescing of data tasks.
  • The pipeline now performs memory cache lookup of intermediate (not all processors are applied) progressive image previews and apply the remaining processors on demand
  • Extend fast track decoding to the disk cache lookup
  • For cache policies that require image encoding, encode decompressed images instead of uncompressed ones

Nuke Builder

NukeBuilder is a package that adds a convenience API for creating image requests inspired by SwiftUI. It was updated with support Nuke 10 and some quality-of-life improvements.

  • Rename package to NukeBuilder
  • Update to Nuke 10.0
  • Add ImageRequestConvertible support which means it now supports more types: URLRequest and String
  • Add Combine support
  • Add ImagePipeline typealias for convenience – you only need to import NukeBuilder in many cases


  • Increase minimum required Xcode version to 12; no changes to the supported platforms
  • Nuke.loadImage() methods now work with optional image requests. If the request is nil, it handles the scenario the same way as failure.
  • ImageRequest now also works with optional URL
  • String now also conforms to ImageRequestConvertible, closes #421
  • Optional URL now also conforms to ImageRequestConvertible
  • Streamline pipeline callback closures
  • Pass failing processor to ImagePipeline.Error.processingFailed
  • Add type-safe ImageContainer.UserInfoKey and ImageRequest.UserInfoKey
  • Pass additional parameter Data? to nuke_display (ImageView extensions)
  • ImagePrefetcher now always sets the priority of the requests to its priority
  • ImagePrefetcher now works with ImageRequestConvertible, adding support for URLRequest and String
  • ImagePipeline can now be invalidated with invalidate() method


There are deprecation warnings in place to help guide you through the migration process.

  • Deprecate ImageRequestOptions, use ImageRequest.Options instead (it's not just the name change)
  • Deprecate ImagePipelineObserving, use imageTask(_:,didReceiveEvent) from ImagePipeline.Delegate instead
  • Rename isDeduplicationEnabled to isTaskCoalescingEnabled
  • Deprecate animatedImageData associated object for platform images. Use data property of ImageContainer instead. animatedImageData was initially soft-deprecated in Nuke 9.0.
  • Deprecate the default processors in ImagePipeline; use the new processors options in ImageLoadingOptions instead
  • Deprecate ImageEncoder and ImageDecoder typealiases.