Lightweight responsive state management solution based on React Context and React Hooks.
English | 简体中文
- 🎉 Simplify:Only 3 core APIs, no additional learning cost, easy to get started with the knowledge of
React Hooks
. - 🚀 Immutable:Interact with view by simply modifying it while keeping all the benefits of immutable data.
- 🌲 Flexible Usage:Support global and local data sources, manage the state of the entire application more elegantly.
- 🍳 Friendly Asynchronous Processing:Record the loading status of asynchronous operations, simplify the presentation logic in the view layer.
- 🍬 TypeScript Support:Complete
type definition, complete type checking and type inference can be obtained in the editor.
// use npm
$ npm i dobux --save
// use yarn
$ yarn add dobux
- React >= 16.8.0
- ReactDOM >= 16.8.0