Both discussions and office hours on Tue and Thu
Disc 1A - 11:00 to 11:50 AM | Physics and Astronomy 2748
Disc 1B - 12:00 to 12:50 PM | Geology 6704
Office Hours - 1:30 to 3:00 PM | PIC Lab MS 2000
email - [email protected]
Please use the discussions section on this site to ask any questions you may have.
Alternatively, you may also use this form - Daily Feedback / Concerns to ask them anonymously.
Note: For any official purposes such as regrade requests or any other permissions that you officially need, please send me an email.
You'll hopefully be spending your next 10 weeks on this site. So, make sure to get used to it.
Navigate to the current week and look at the README which has a bunch of links for each date. All of the links are either website links, markdown file (.md files) or Java files (.java files).
(Don't know which week it is? Dw, I've got you covered. Each week has the dates within them)
For those of you who know a bit more about Github, you may choose to fork, clone or download the files from this repository but there really isn't much benefit to it. This repository is meant to access course content from anywhere/on-the-go and as a result, there are only a bunch of links and files here which don't do much together (its not like a project).