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pipeline for read mapping, snp calling and annotation for bacterial genomes

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A nextflow implementation of the microbial variant calling pipeline RedDog. The central goal of RedDog is to identify high-quality SNPs present in a set of isolates using a mapping-based approach.

Table of contents



For the RedDog veterans:

# Clone the reddog-nf repository
git clone && cd reddog-nf

# Install dependencies and activate conda environment
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -p $(pwd -P)/conda_env --yes --file config/conda_dependencies.txt
conda activate $(pwd -P)/conda_env

# Set input reads, reference, and output directory in configuration file
vim nextflow.config

# Launch pipeline

M3 execution

To run the pipeline on M3, there are additional steps that need to be taken and some important considerations. Software provision is similar to the general example above but you must first load miniconda into your path:

# Clone the reddog-nf repository
git clone && cd reddog-nf

# Load the miniconda3 module and install dependencies
module load miniconda3/4.1.11-python3.5
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -p $(pwd -P)/conda_env --yes --file config/conda_dependencies.txt

Note that this is the only version of miniconda that will work; other versions are currently broken and will not be fix for M3 users.

RedDog should be run in a screen session so that it will persist between ssh sessions:

# Create and attach to a screen session, load conda environment
screen -R reddog_example
conda activate $(pwd -P)/conda_env

Configuration for input reads, reference, and output directory is done as usual. Once the pipeline has been configured you can execute the run, however the -profile argument must be provided explicitly. This is to prevent inadvertently running pipeline processes on the head node.

# Set input reads, reference, and output directory in configuration file
vim nextflow.config

# Launch pipeline with a specific execution profile
./ -profile massive

Lastly, the ability to resume pipeline execution is built into nextflow. To resume a run the -resume argument is used. Note that if the output directory already exists, you must confirm that RedDog can overwrite its contents by specifying --force.

# Reattached to the screen session and resume pipeline execution
screen -R reddog_example
./ -profile massive -resume --force


Running RedDog is a two step process that involves configuration and then execution. The nextflow.config file controls pipeline configuration, and execution is done by issuing ./

Further detail regarding configuration and execution is given below.


Input and output

Running RedDog requires a set of short reads in FASTQ format, a reference assembly in GenBank format, and an output directory. These are set in the Input and output section of the nextflow.config file, for example:

// Input and output
reads = 'reads/*.fastq.gz'
reference = 'data/reference.gbk'
output_dir = 'output/'

In the above snippet, the input reads are specified with a glob containing the star wildcard character. This expression selects all files in the reads/ directory that have a suffix of .fastq.gz. If your input files are present in more than one directory, a list of globs can be provided:

reads = ['read_set_1/*.fastq.gz', 'read_set_2/*fastq.gz']

The nextflow implementation of RedDog also handles input containing both paired-end and single-end read sets.

Options and parameters


Option Description Default
bt2_max_frag_len Maximum fragment length that Bowtie 2 will consider 200
bt2_mode Bowtie2 preset sensitive-local
var_depth_min Minimum read depth for varFilter to call variants 5
mapping_cover_min Minimum coverage to pass replicon 50
mapping_depth_min Minimum depth to pass replicon 10
mapping_mapped_min Minimum percentage mapped to pass replicon, largest replicon only 50
outgroup_mod Modifier for ingroup/outgroup designation 2
allele_matrix_support Minimum ratio of read support to call a SNP in allele matrix 90
allele_matrix_cons Minimum % of isolates containing a SNP for it to pass filtering 95


Option Description Default
max_retries Number of times to resubmit job, usually with more resources 3
queue_size Number of jobs to submit to job scheduler 1000
slurm_account SLURM account used for job submission js66

Merge run

A merge run allows you to add additional isolates to an existing RedDog output. This is preferable over running an entirely new RedDog analysis as a merge run does not require existing isolate data to be remapped, decreasing runtime considerably. To execute a merge run you first need to enable merge mode and provide the existing RedDog output directory in the Merge run section of the nextflow.config, for example:

// Merge run settings
merge_run = true
existing_run_dir = 'existing_output/'

Following this, the new isolate read sets and output directory must be set in the Input and output configuration section:

// Input and output
reads = 'new_reads/*.fastq.gz'
reference = 'data/reference.gbk'
output_dir = 'merged_output/'

It is critical that the same reference and filtering/quality settings are used both the previous and new run. There are a series of preflight checks performed that compare settings and supplied reference between runs. If any inconsistency is detected, these will be indicated and the pipeline will abort. These inconsistencies can be ignored by setting merge_ignore_errors = true.

At the conclusion of a merge run the output directory (merged_output/ in the above snippet) will contain all data from the previous run (from existing_output/) and data generated from the new read sets. Once the contents of the new output files have been checked, the old output directory can be deleted.

Pipeline execution


It is recommended that RedDog is launched inside a persistent terminal session such as screen as the pipeline may run over several hours or days. In a normal setting without a persistent terminal, closing the terminal or ssh session running RedDog would cause the pipeline to also quit. Executing RedDog in a screen session allows you to close the terminal or ssh session and have the pipeline continue in the background. Here is a brief example:

# Open a new screen session and launch the pipeline
screen -R reddog_run

# Detach from the screen session with C-a (ctrl+a)
# List active screen sessions
screen -ls

# Reattach to the screen
screen -R reddog_run

Pipeline resume is available through the nextflow framework and enabled by specifying -resume on the command line. To avoid potentially overwriting existing analysis, RedDog will refuse to write to an output directory if it already exists unless you explicitly allow it to do so with --force. To resume a run you must provide both arguments:

./ -resume --force

The nextflow framework stores intermediate files in a directory called work/. This directory can become very large and should be deleted once the RedDog run has completed.

M3 specific

When running RedDog on M3 you must explicitly set the executor. In the nextflow framework, the executor manages how jobs are run and the default is to use the standard executor, which launches jobs locally. However on M3 jobs should never be run locally and instead submitted to the SLURM queue. This is done in RedDog by using the massive executor:

./ -profile massive

The pipeline is configured to dynamicly select the optimal partition and QoS for each submitted job. Selection is conditioned on the walltime of each job:

Walltime QoS Partition
0-30 minutes genomics comp, genomics, short
31-240 minutes genomics comp, genomics
241+ minutes normal comp

Additionally, resources requested for each task are defined in config/slurm_job.config. By default, when a job fails it is resubmitted two more times but with increased resources. Where a job fails three times due to insufficient resources, you can manually specify the required resources in config/slurm_job.config.

The genomics queue limits the number of concurrently queued or running jobs and once this limit is reached, any further job that is submitted is rejected. To avoid job rejected in this context, the pipeline will only submit 200 tasks to the queue at any one time. This can be adjusted through the queue_size option in nextflow.config.



For each replicon in the provided reference, the following outputs are generated:

File Name
Mapping statistics reference-name_replicon_mapping_stats.tsv
SNP alleles reference-name_replicon_alleles.csv
Conserved SNP alleles reference-name_replicon_alleles_cons0.95.csv
Alignment of conserved SNPs reference-name_replicon_cons0.95.mfasta
Phylogeny of conserved SNPs reference-name_replicon_cons0.95.tree
Consequences of conserved SNPs reference-name_replicon_consequences_cons0.95.tsv
Gene coverage reference-name_gene_coverage.csv
Gene depth reference-name_gene_depth.csv

Additionally several directory outputs are created:

Directory Location and name
Filtered isolate BAMs output_dir/bams/
Filtered isolate VCFs output_dir/vcfs/
Run information output_dir/run_info/
Read quality reports (optional) output_dir/fastqc/

File descriptions

Mapping statistics

Column name Description
isolate Isolate name
replicon_coverage Coverage of replicon for positions >=1 depth
replicon_average_depth Average depth for positions >=1 depth
replicon_reads_mapped Proportion of all mapped reads belonging to this replicon
total_mapped_reads Proportion of reads mapped to any replicon
total_reads Count of total mapped reads
snps Number of homozygous SNPs
snps_heterozygous Number of heterozygous SNPs
indels Number of indels
pass_fail Pass or fail classification based on mapping statistics
phylogeny_group Ingroup or outgroup designation

Allele matrix

Column name Description
Pos Nucleotide position in reference
Reference Reference nucleotide (+ve strand)
isolate columns Isolate columns

Coding consequences

Column name Description
position Nucleotide position in reference
ref Reference nucleotide (+ve strand)
alt Alternative nucleotide (+ve strand)
strand Encoding strand of gene
change_type Mutation type
gene Gene name
ref_codon Reference codon
alt_codon Alternative codon
ref_aa Reference amino acid
alt_aa Alternative amino acid
gene_product Description of encoded protein
gene_nucleotide_position Nucleotide position of mutation in gene
gene_codon_position Position of affected codon in gene
codon_nucleotide_position Nucleotide position of mutation in codon
notes Misc. notes

Depth and coverage

Column name Description
replicon Name of replicon
locus_tag Gene locus tag
isolate columns Isolate columns


The following software are required:

  • bcftools, version ≥1.9
  • biopython, version ≥1.76
  • bowtie2, version ≥2.4.1
  • fastqc, version ≥0.11.9
  • fasttree, version ≥2.1.10
  • multiqc, version ≥1.7
  • nextflow, version ≥20.10.0
  • openjdk, version ≥8.0
  • samtools, version ≥1.9
  • seqtk, version ≥1.3

The easiest way to satisfy these dependencies is to use conda and the list of dependencies in config/conda_dependencies.txt:

# First ensure you're in the top level directory of the git repo
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -p $(pwd -P)/conda_env --yes --file config/conda_dependencies.txt
conda activate $(pwd -P)/conda_env


I've written both end-to-end tests and unit/functional tests. These are designed to detect regressions, test effect of modifications, and check compatibility of installed software. To run these tests first provision requirements as shown in Requirements.

# Unit tests and functional tests, run from the git repo top level directory
python3 -m unittest

# End-to-end test
cd tests/simulated_data/
mkdir -p reads/
# Create reference and simulate reads with known mutations
./scripts/ > data/reference.gbk
./scripts/ --reference_fp data/reference.gbk --spec_fp data/dataset_specification.tsv --output_dir reads/
# Run tests
# Check outputs
./scripts/ --run_dir output/ --spec_fp data/dataset_specification.tsv --test_data_dir data/run_data/


GNU General Public License v3.0


pipeline for read mapping, snp calling and annotation for bacterial genomes






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