Collection of API tests for Star Wars API. This project was initiated in 2020 with JUnit. In 2022 I decided to switch to TestNG and continue the project.
App links : SWAPI website and documentation
The Star Wars API is open-source Web API with data from the Star Wars canon universe.
There are few ways to start using this repository:
- Clone with Git using command line and this command:
git clone
- Clone with Git using graphical user interface (for example Sourcetree)
- Download ZIP with the code (using option shown in the screenshot below)
This project contains tests for following resources:
Planets 🟣 Vehicles 🟣 Films 🟣 Starships 🟣 Species 🟣 People
✅ parameterized tests with @DataProvider
✅ you can run tests in terminal with Maven
✅ you can generate test execution report with Allure
✅ all test classes use annotations @Feature
and @Severity
for better organization of Allure report
✅ Allure report is triggered on every push using Github Actions
To run tests, use following command
mvn clean test
Allure is an open-source test tool that allows to generate HTML test execution reports.
To run tests and generate HTML report, use following command
mvn io.qameta.allure:allure-maven:report
If you want the report to be opened immediately in default browser, use the following command
mvn io.qameta.allure:allure-maven:serve