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IntelliJ IDEA Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code

License: MIT Marketplace Version Install

Port of IntelliJ IDEA key bindings for VS Code. Includes keymaps for popular JetBrains products like IntelliJ Ultimate, WebStorm, PyCharm, PHP Storm, etc.


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+space ctrl+space Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable)
ctrl+shift+space ctrl+shift+space Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type) N/A
enter enter Choose Lookup Item
tab tab Choose Lookup Item Replace
ctrl+shift+enter cmd+shift+enter Complete Current Statement
ctrl+p cmd+p Parameter info (within method call arguments)
ctrl+q ctrl+j Quick documentation lookup
N/A f1 Quick documentation lookup
ctrl+f1 shift+f1 External Doc N/A
ctrl+mouseover cmd+mouseover Brief Info N/A
ctrl+f1 cmd+f1 Show descriptions of error or warning at caret
alt+insert cmd+n Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)
alt+insert cmd+n New...
ctrl+o ctrl+o Override methods
ctrl+i ctrl+i Implement methods
ctrl+alt+t cmd+alt+t Surround with... (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.) N/A
N/A N/A Open in Opposite Group
ctrl+/ cmd+/ Comment/uncomment with line comment
ctrl+numpad_divide cmd+numpad_divide Comment/uncomment with line comment
ctrl+shift+/ cmd+alt+/ Comment/uncomment with block comment
ctrl+shift+numpad_divide cmd+alt+numpad_divide Comment/uncomment with block comment
ctrl+w alt+up Select successively increasing code blocks
ctrl+shift+w alt+down Decrease current selection to previous state
alt+q ctrl+shift+q Context info N/A
alt+enter alt+enter Show intention actions and quick-fixes
ctrl+alt+l cmd+alt+l Reformat code
ctrl+alt+l cmd+alt+l Reformat selected code
ctrl+alt+o ctrl+alt+o Optimize imports
ctrl+alt+i ctrl+alt+i Auto-indent line(s) N/A
tab tab Indent selected lines N/A
shift+tab shift+tab Unindent selected lines N/A
ctrl+x cmd+x Cut current line or selected block to clipboard
shift+delete cmd+delete Cut current line or selected block to clipboard
ctrl+c cmd+c Copy current line or selected block to clipboard
ctrl+v cmd+v Paste from clipboard
ctrl+shift+v cmd+shift+v Paste from recent buffers... N/A
ctrl+d cmd+d Duplicate Line
ctrl+d cmd+d Duplicate Selection
ctrl+y cmd+backspace Delete line at caret
ctrl+shift+j ctrl+shift+j Smart line join
ctrl+enter cmd+enter Smart line split
shift+enter shift+enter Start new line
ctrl+shift+u cmd+shift+u Toggle case for word at caret or selected block N/A
ctrl+shift+] cmd+shift+] Select till code block end N/A
ctrl+shift+[ cmd+shift+[ Select till code block start N/A
ctrl+right alt+right Cursor to word end
ctrl+right alt+right Cursor to hump end
ctrl+left alt+left Cursor to word start
ctrl+left alt+left Cursor to hump start
ctrl+shift+right alt+shift+right Select to word end
ctrl+shift+right alt+shift+right Select to hump end
ctrl+shift+left alt+shift+left Select to word start
ctrl+shift+left alt+shift+left Select to hump start
ctrl+delete alt+delete Delete to word end
ctrl+delete alt+delete Delete to hump end
ctrl+backspace alt+backspace Delete to word start
ctrl+backspace alt+backspace Delete to hump start
ctrl+. cmd+. Fold selection
ctrl+= cmd+= Expand code block
ctrl+numpad_add cmd+numpad_add Expand code block
ctrl+- cmd+- Collapse code block
ctrl+numpad_subtract cmd+numpad_subtract Collapse code block
ctrl+alt+= cmd+alt+= Expand code block recursively
ctrl+alt+numpad_add cmd+alt+numpad_add Expand code block recursively
ctrl+alt+- cmd+alt+- Collapse code block recursively
ctrl+alt+numpad_subtract cmd+alt+numpad_subtract Collapse code block recursively
ctrl+shift+= cmd+shift+= Expand all
ctrl+shift+numpad_add cmd+shift+numpad_add Expand all
ctrl+shift+- cmd+shift+- Collapse all
ctrl+shift+numpad_subtract cmd+shift+numpad_subtract Collapse all
ctrl+f4 cmd+w Close active editor tab
alt+j ctrl+g Add selection for Next Occurrence
alt+shift+j ctrl+shift+g Unselect Occurrence
shift+alt+down shift+alt+down Move Line Down
shift+alt+up shift+alt+up Move Line Up
shift+alt+insert shift+cmd+8 Column Selection Mode
shift+alt+. shift+ctrl+. Increase Font Size in All Editors
shift+alt+, shift+ctrl+, Decrease Font Size in All Editors


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
shift shift shift shift Search everywhere
ctrl+f cmd+f Find
f3 cmd+g Find next
shift+f3 cmd+shift+g Find previous
ctrl+r cmd+r Replace
ctrl+shift+f cmd+shift+f Find in path
ctrl+shift+r cmd+shift+r Replace in path
ctrl+shift+s cmd+shift+s Search structurally (Ultimate Edition only) N/A
ctrl+shift+m cmd+shift+m Replace structurally (Ultimate Edition only) N/A

Usage Search

Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
alt+f7 alt+f7 Find usages
alt+ctrl+f7 alt+cmd+f7 Show usages
ctrl+f7 cmd+f7 Find usages in file N/A
ctrl+shift+f7 cmd+shift+f7 Highlight usages in file N/A
ctrl+alt+f7 cmd+alt+f7 Show usages N/A

Compile and Run

Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+f9 cmd+f9 Make project (compile modifed and dependent)
ctrl+shift+f9 cmd+shift+f9 Compile selected file, package or module N/A
alt+shift+f10 ctrl+alt+r Select configuration and run
alt+shift+f9 ctrl+alt+d Select configuration and debug
shift+f10 ctrl+r Run
shift+f9 ctrl+d Debug
ctrl+shift+f10 ctrl+shift+r Run context configuration from editor N/A
ctrl+shift+f10 ctrl+shift+r Debug context configuration from editor N/A


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+f2 cmd+f2 Stop
f8 f8 Step over
f7 f7 Step into
shift+f7 shift+f7 Smart step into N/A
shift+f8 shift+f8 Step out
alt+f9 alt+f9 Run to cursor
alt+f8 alt+f8 Evaluate expression
alt+f8 alt+f8 Evaluate expression (selection)
f9 cmd+alt+r Resume program
ctrl+f8 cmd+f8 Toggle breakpoint
ctrl+shift+f8 cmd+shift+f8 View breakpoints


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+n cmd+o Go to class
ctrl+shift+n cmd+shift+o Go to file
ctrl+alt+shift+n cmd+alt+o Go to symbol
alt+left ctrl+left Go to previous editor tab
N/A shift+cmd+[ Go to previous editor tab
alt+right ctrl+right Go to next editor tab
N/A shift+cmd+] Go to next editor tab
f12 f12 Go back to previous tool window N/A
escape escape Go to editor (from tool window) N/A
shift+escape shift+escape Hide Active Tool Window
ctrl+shift+f4 cmd+shift+f4 Close active run/messages/find/... tab N/A
ctrl+shift+' cmd+shift+' Maximize Tool Window (Problems, Output, Debug Console, Terminal)
ctrl+g cmd+l Go to line
ctrl+e cmd+e Recent files popup
ctrl+alt+left cmd+alt+left Navigate back
N/A cmd+[ Navigate back
ctrl+alt+right cmd+alt+right Navigate forward
N/A cmd+] Navigate forward
ctrl+shift+backspace cmd+shift+backspace Navigate to last edit location
alt+f1 alt+f1 Select current file or symbol in any view N/A
ctrl+b cmd+b Go to declaration
ctrl+alt+b cmd+alt+b Go to implementation(s)
ctrl+u cmd+u Go to super implementation(s)
ctrl+shift+i alt+space Open quick definition lookup
N/A cmd+y Open quick definition lookup
ctrl+shift+b ctrl+shift+b Go to type declaration
ctrl+u cmd+u Go to super-method/super-class
alt+up ctrl+up Go to previous method N/A
alt+down ctrl+down Go to next method N/A
ctrl+] cmd+] Move to code block end N/A
ctrl+[ cmd+[ Move to code block start N/A
alt+7 cmd+7 Structure
ctrl+f12 cmd+f12 File structure popup
ctrl+h ctrl+h Type hierarchy
ctrl+shift+h cmd+shift+h Method hierarchy N/A
ctrl+alt+h ctrl+alt+h Call hierarchy
f2 f2 Next highlighted error
shift+f2 shift+f2 Previous highlighted error
f4 f4 Edit source
ctrl+enter cmd+down View source
shift+ctrl+down shift+alt+down Move Statement Down
shift+ctrl+up shift+alt+up Move Statement Up
alt+home alt+home Show navigation bar N/A
f11 f3 Toggle bookmark N/A
ctrl+f11 alt+f3 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic N/A
ctrl+0 ctrl+0 Go to numbered bookmark N/A
shift+f11 cmd+f3 Show bookmarks N/A
ctrl+alt+shift+down ctrl+alt+shift+down Next Change
ctrl+alt+shift+up ctrl+alt+shift+up Previous Change
ctrl+home cmd+home Move Caret to Text Start
ctrl+end cmd+end Move Caret to Text End
ctrl+shift+m ctrl+m Move Caret to Matching Brace
ctrl+shift+t cmd+shift+t Go to Test


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
f5 f5 Copy N/A
ctrl+alt+shift+t ctrl+t Refactor This...
f6 f6 Move
alt+delete cmd+delete Safe Delete N/A
shift+f6 shift+f6 Rename
shift+f6 shift+f6 Select All Occurrences
shift+f6 shift+f6 Rename (File)
ctrl+f6 cmd+f6 Change Signature
ctrl+alt+n cmd+alt+n Inline N/A
ctrl+alt+m cmd+alt+m Extract Method
ctrl+alt+v cmd+alt+v Extract Variable
ctrl+alt+f cmd+alt+f Extract Field
ctrl+alt+c cmd+alt+c Extract Constant
ctrl+alt+p cmd+alt+p Introduce Parameter

VCS/Local History

Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+alt+k cmd+k Commit project to VCS
ctrl+shift+k cmd+alt+k Push commits to VCS
ctrl+t cmd+t Update project from VCS
ctrl+alt+z cmd+alt+z Rollback Lines
alt+shift+c alt+shift+c View recent changes N/A

Live Templates

Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+alt+j cmd+alt+j Surround with Live Template N/A
ctrl+j cmd+j Insert Live Template N/A


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
alt+0 cmd+0 Activate Messages window (Problems)
alt+numpad0 cmd+numpad0 Activate Messages window (Problems)
alt+1 cmd+1 Open corresponding tool window (Explorer)
alt+numpad1 cmd+numpad1 Open corresponding tool window (Explorer)
alt+1 cmd+1 Close corresponding tool window (Explorer)
alt+numpad1 cmd+numpad1 Close corresponding tool window (Explorer)
alt+3 cmd+3 Open corresponding tool window (Search)
alt+numpad3 cmd+numpad3 Open corresponding tool window (Search)
alt+3 cmd+3 Close corresponding tool window (Search)
alt+numpad3 cmd+numpad3 Close corresponding tool window (Search)
alt+5 cmd+5 Open corresponding tool window (Debug)
alt+numpad5 cmd+numpad5 Open corresponding tool window (Debug)
alt+5 cmd+5 Close corresponding tool window (Debug)
alt+numpad5 cmd+numpad5 Close corresponding tool window (Debug)
alt+9 cmd+9 Open corresponding tool window (Git)
alt+numpad9 cmd+numpad9 Open corresponding tool window (Git)
alt+9 cmd+9 Close corresponding tool window (Git)
alt+numpad9 cmd+numpad9 Close corresponding tool window (Git)
ctrl+s cmd+s Save all
ctrl+alt+y cmd+alt+y Synchronize N/A
N/A ctrl+cmd+f Toggle full screen mode
ctrl+shift+f12 cmd+shift+f12 Toggle maximizing editor N/A
alt+shift+f alt+shift+f Add to Favorites N/A
alt+shift+i alt+shift+i Inspect current file with current profile N/A
ctrl+` ctrl+` Quick switch current scheme
ctrl+alt+s cmd+, Open Settings dialog
ctrl+alt+s cmd+numpad_separator Open Settings dialog
ctrl+alt+shift+s cmd+; Open Project Structure dialog
ctrl+shift+a shift+cmd+a Find Action
ctrl+tab ctrl+tab Switch between tabs and tool window
shift+f12 shift+f12 Restore Default layout


Linux, Windows macOS Feature Supported
ctrl+d cmd+d Compare Files
ctrl+d cmd+d Compare Selected Files
ctrl+shift+tab ctrl+shift+tab Select Opposite Diff Pane
f7 f7 Next difference
shift+f7 shift+f7 Previous difference
alt+ctrl+enter alt+cmd+enter Start new line before current
shift+ctrl+enter shift+cmd+enter Start new line
alt+f12 alt+f12 Opens and focuses corresponding tool window (Terminal)
alt+f12 alt+f12 Close corresponding tool window (Terminal)
ctrl+shift+alt+j ctrl+cmd+g Sublime Text style multiple selections
alt+left shift+cmd+[ Select previous tab (Terminal)
alt+right shift+cmd+] Select next tab (Terminal)
alt+tab alt+tab Goto next splitter
shift+alt+tab shift+alt+tab Goto previous splitter
enter enter Open Highlighted File (Explorer)
f4 f4 Open Highlighted File (Explorer)
alt+home cmd+up Jump to Navigation Bar
shift+ctrl+c shift+cmd+c Copy paths


If you enable the setting Use "CamelHumps" words in IntelliJ, commands like ctrl+left will go to the previous hump in camel case words, rather than the start of the word. For similar functionality in VS Code, enalbe the config intellij-idea-keybindings.useCamelHumpsWords under Settings.

    "intellij-idea-keybindings.useCamelHumpsWords": true

Note: CamelHumps mode with double-click is not supported.

How to disable specific key bindings of this extension

If you want to disable a specific key binding of this extension, follow these steps:

  1. Open File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. Search IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings or type directly like "shift shift"
  3. Right click and Remove Keybinding

IntelliJ Importer

IntelliJ Importer

Import keymaps XML

  1. Launch Code
  2. Open command pallet Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) or Cmd-Shift-P (macOS)
  3. Choose Import IntelliJ Keybindings (XML)
  4. Copy & Paste it into keybindings.json


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.87.0 or higher
  2. Launch Code
  3. From the extension view Ctrl-Shift-X (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-X (macOS)
  4. Search and Choose the extension Intellij IDEA Keybindings
  5. Reload Visual Studio Code

Known Issues (IntelliJ Importer)

  • Refactoring commands are not supported
  • Sidebar controls are not supported
  • Namepad control is not supported at the same time as numbers
  • Intellij's custom keymap is not a full copy of its parent keymap. It inherits unmodified shortcuts from the parent keymap and defines only those that were changed. If you use a plugin like Emacs or Vim, only your changes will be exported in the XML
  • Warning output for keymaps that could not be imported is not yet implemented
  • Cannot load file directly

Contributing to the Code

Clone a copy of the repo:

git clone

Building the code

First, install the package dependencies:

npm install

Now you can compile the code:

  1. Launch Code
  2. Edit src/package-with-comment.json (NOT package.json)
  3. Run npm: compile Task Ctrl-Shift-B (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-B (macOS)
  4. Run Command Markdown Generator npm run usage
  5. Paste the Command Markdown to

After the initial compile, the source files will be watched and recompiled when changes are saved.



This extension is licensed under the MIT License.


  1. Source code, Resharper 9 Keybindings,
  3. Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code,
  4. Icon, vscode-vs-keybindings,