data/ contains the data. Please see the paper for citations.
figures/ contains the figures in the paper.
- MakeEnron.R creates the Enron figure in the paper.
- makeBlog.R creates Table 1 in the SI
- makeBplot.R creates the estimate of the matrix B for the c Elegans data
- makeC-ElegansPermutationTest.R
performs the permutation test the gets the p-value for the feedforward structure in the c Elegans analysis - makeC-ElegansXfigure.R
creates figure 2 in the SI - makeCElegans loads the c Elegans data and performs di-sim.
- makeWormScree.R makes figure 1 in the SI.
- makeC-ElegansXfigure5.R creates Figure 6 in the SI
- makeEdgeWeight.R creates figure 7 in the SI