I'm a Full Stack Engineer with DevSecOps capabilities, language nerd, fitness enthusiast, and creative dabbler.
🔭 I’m currently working on preparing to migrate a Title Insurance company's tech (AWS, DataDog, Looker, and more) due to an acquisition.
As the only full-time developer on the project, I'm also handling security, bug fixes, and infra maintenance.
🌱 I’m currently learning about tuning DataDog SIEM services and migrating an AWS Account between Organizations.
💬 Ask me about my previous career as a speech-language therapist (i.e. "communication specialist").
⚡ Fun fact: I lived in Japan for 2 years as a middle schooler.
Serververse | Repo
A server program which can flexibly run an Echo Server or HTTP Server application. Created in Java using test-driven development with a heavy focus on OOP Design including SOLID principles and the Chain of Responsibility design pattern. Previously deployed to AWS AppRunner via Docker, Amazon ECR, and GitHub actions.
Tic-Tac-Toe | Ruby Repo | Elixir Repo
CLI applications created to practice crafting well-designed code via test-driven development with RSpec and ExUnit. The application was "translated" from Ruby to Elixir to compare and contrast OOP and functional styles.
Fun-ology | Repo
A proof of concept flashcard app for speech-language therapists, providing fun, kid-friendly activities along with built-in data tracking to ease the burden on therapists. Built with Rails, BCrypt, React, MUI, and Redux, and previously deployed on Heroku. Conceptual focus was on authentication and authorization with multiple user types.
Fitness and mindfulness video library created while at Flatiron school with a focus on practicing authentication and authorization, as well as seeding data from an API. Built with React, MUI, Rails, BCrypt, and YouTube API. Previously deployed using Heroku.
Proof of concept for an app to help supervisors in public schools maintain compliance with disability law. Supervisors can track the amount of time that each student spends with special education teachers to ensure they're getting at least the legally required amount of service. Previously deployed using Heroku and Netlify.
- Single Responsiblity Principle
- Open-Closed Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle