See also the esp32 version at
A new android application is born
- KaRadio Remote Control by Vassilis Serasidis on google Play.
It is an easy and fast WiFi remote control for your KaRadio or KaRadio32 hardware.
With this android app you can select the WebRadio station you want to play, set the volume and get the station information such as Station name, Genre, Bit rate, Meta data and more.
Found it at
Thanks Vassilis.
Add On: add a lcd, a remote control, and other goodies: see
The optional led is now on GPIO2. The blue led on the ESP8266 is blinking at the same rate.
GPIO16 is now the Chip select for the external ram if any.
The external ram is detected at boot time if present.
To load this release, please flash
boot_v1.6.bin at 0x0000, at 0x1000 , at 0X81000,
esp_init_data_default.bin at 0x3FC000
and blank.bin at 0x3fe000
After that, all next updates are done with the On The Air (OTA) feature.
See also
The binaries are on ESP8266-Firmware/bin/upgrade/
- If the access point of your router is not known, the webradio inits itself as an AP. Connect the wifi of your computer to the ssid "WifiWebRadio",
- Browse to to display the page, got to "setting" "Wifi" and configure your ssid ap, the password if any, the wanted IP or use dhcp if you know how to retrieve the dhcp given ip (terminal or scan of the network).
- In the gateway field, enter the ip address of your router.
- Validate. The equipment restart to the new configuration. Connect your wifi to your AP and browse to the ip given in configuration.
- Congratulation, you can edit your own station list. Dont forget to save your stations list in case of problem or for new equipments.
- if the AP is already know by the esp8266, the default ip is given by dhcp.
- a sample of stations list is on . Can be uploaded via the web page.
- Karadio can be controlled by the web interface or by the uart interface or by telnet. List of commands: type help
- See the list of command at
see the file.
- Based on
- New development based on the new
- Compiled with esp-open-sdk
- Compatible with mobile
- Stable
- tools to save and restore the stations database
- prototype made with:
-- (0.74 euros)
-- (3,09 euros)
-- (6 euros)
-- (1.05 euros)
-- (0.59 euro)
-- some wires ... - Wiring:
From ESP8266_ESP12( 3.3 v) to VS1053 (5 v)
ADC if control panel is not used, this input must be grounded.
CH_PD to 3.3v
GPIO16 (a 1Hz output)
GPIO14 to VS1053 SCK
GPIO12 to VS1053 MISO
GPIO13 to VS1053 MOSI
TXD to CH340G UART rx
RXD from CH340G UART tx
GPIO05 to VS1053 XDCS
GPIO04 to VS1053 DREQ
GPIO00 to VS1053 XRST
GPIO15 to VS1053 XCS
Optional external ram (23LCV1024) support (1:CS/=GPIO16 2:MISO=GPIO12 3:NC 4:GND 5:MOSI=GPIO13 6:SCK=GPIO14 7:GND 8:3.3v)
If your chip has a /Vhold in place of /VBAT, the pin 7 must be wired to VCC (pin8)
The optional led is now on GPIO2. The blue led on the ESP8266 is blinking at the same rate.
GPIO16 is now the Chip select for the external ram if any.
The external ram is detected at boot time if present.
WiFi : ESP8266 (ESP-12 with 32Mbits flash)
Additional MCU (as a bridge UART<=>UI): AVR
Audio decoder: VS1053