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Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 (UTS2) is a toon shader for images and video that is designed to meet the needs of creators working on cel-shaded 3DCG animations. Unlike other pre-render toon shaders, all features can be adjusted in real time on Unity, which is the greatest feature of UTS2.
UTS2 has great power and makes a wide variety of character designs possible, from cel-shaded to light novel illustration styles.
UTS2 has the 3 basic layers of Base Color, 1st Shade Color, and 2nd Shade Color, colors and textures can also accept a wide variety of customization options, such as High Color, Rim Light, MatCap (sphere mapping), and Emissive (light emission).
What colors will you select as accent colors? The accent color is the color which is set at the opposite side of light direction.
In UTS2, you can use 2nd shade color and Ap-RimLight as accent color. Of course, these accent colors also change dynamically to the light.
The level of gradation (feather) between colors can also be adjusted in Unity in real-time.
In animation production, color design is made for each part in each scene unit. It is common to have specialists who make these color designs. UTS2 is suitable for such pipelines.
In Animation movies, shadows are used not only to represent light directions but also to clarify shapes of characters. It’s not just shadow, but a vital part of character design.
For this purpose, UTS2 also has 2 options for creating fixed shadows necessary to the design: the Position Map, which assigns a set casting point to each shadow, and the Shading Grade Map, which can adjust shadow intensity based on the lighting. The movie above is a sample of the features of Shading Grade Map and AngelRing.
These two images are comparison between Standard Shader and UTS2 v. under the same lighting conditions.
Although there is a difference between Photo-realistic and Non-photo-realistic images, you can understand all surface reflections to real-time lights are seen in the same areas. It means UTS2 can be used as same as Standard Shader under various lighting conditions.
UTS2 is very useful if you want to decorate your game scene with beautiful lightings.
Finally, several techniques have been implemented to beautifully display characters in a variety of lighting environments, thanks to recent feedback from VRChat users.
To install this package, follow the instructions in the Package Manager documentation.
If you installed this package, UTS2 files are installed into Unitychan ToonShader2 folder under Packages folder in your Unity project.
To get the sample scenes of UTS2, download whole project from here.
The project comes with sample scenes where you can learn various setting examples of UTS2.
To learn how to use UTS2, see Users' Manual.
Users' manual is a document with plentiful knowledge of toon style.
The iteration cycle between reading the manual and using UTS2 actually is the best way to learn the beautiful toon style.
You can open Users' Manual from the custom inspector English Manual button of UTS2, see here.
- Requires Unity 2019.4.30f1 or higher.
- UTS2 uses a forward rendering environment. Using a linear color space is recommended. (A gamma color space can also be used, but this tends to strengthen shadow gradiation. For more details, see Linear or Gamma Workflow.)
- Target Platforms are Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, PlayStation4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch. Tessellation version is only supported for environments where DX11/DX12 works properly.
- This Package Manager version is equivalent to UTS2 v.2.1.1 in the Original Github repository.
Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, PlayStation4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
- Tessellation version is only supported for environments where DX11 works properly.
- UTS2 runs under legacy rendering pipeline.
The following table indicates the directory of Unitychan ToonShader2:
Folder Location | Description |
Runtime\Shader |
Contains UTS2 shader files. |
Editor |
Contains UTS2 Custom Inspector and other utilities. |
Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 is provided under the Unity Companion License for Unity-dependent projects.
Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Software under this license is made available strictly on an “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Please review the license for details on these and other terms and conditions.
The release history of UTS2 is here.
Latest Version: 2.1.1 Release
Update: 2021/09/09
Category: 3D
File format: zip/unitypackage 2021/09/09