This is a simple, dependency free implementation of the Command Pattern in PHP. Useful for creating an orchestration layer
This will create a group of Commands with a certain name.
class RegisterAction extends ActionChain {
public function __construct() {
$this->add(new RegisterUserAction());
$this->add(new SendWelcomeEmailAction());
These are the individual command examples
class RegisterUserAction extends Command {
private $request;
private $response;
public function execute($request, $response = null) {
$this->request = $request;
$this->response = $response;
// eg: code to take the request data and persist the user
// probably more likely to call a service or domain model method here.
public function undo() {
// eg: code to "undo" anything this command would have done
Once your commands are built, you can just call them from the routes: ( example using Symfony's Request )
Route::get('/register', function() {
$response = new Response();
$reg = new RegisterAction();
if (!$reg->execute(Request::createFromGlobals(), $response)) {
return $response;