TasteTwist is a fun and interactive platform where users can share and discover bizarre food combinations that surprisingly taste great. From French fries dipped in ice cream to pickles paired with peanut butter, this project allows users to contribute their unique culinary creations and vote on others. It’s a lighthearted space to explore and discuss weird food pairings with a community of food lovers.
Users can create an account and log in to share their food combinations and vote on others.
Users can submit their own weird food pairings with a description and optional image.
Users can upvote or downvote food combinations based on their interest or personal experience.
Each user has a personalized feed that displays combinations based on their interactions and votes.
Users can comment on food combinations to share thoughts or suggestions.
Users can search for specific food pairings or filter by categories (e.g., sweet, savory, or snack combos).
Each user has a profile that shows their submitted food combinations, comments, and upvoted recipes.
React (Vite for faster build), Tailwind CSS (for styling), React Router (for navigation)
Node.js with Express (for API development)
MongoDB (for storing user data and food combinations)
**Authentication:**JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure user authentication
Cloudinary (for storing images of food combinations)git remote add origin https://github.com/kalviumcommunity/S76_Taste.git
GitHub link => https://github.com/kalviumcommunity/Taste
A Pull Request (PR) is a way of asking to merge the changes you made in your branch into the main project. It’s like saying, "I have finished my work, can you review it and add it to the main project?"
Create a Branch Locally Create a File called 'README.md' Write your project title, idea & features in the README Commit Changes and Push the Branch to GitHub Create a new PR with that Branch Submit the PR Link Request an AI review by @CodiumAI-Agent /review - you need to copy paste this in your PR comments, which will generate AI review.
need to create a main branch 1st
create a README.md file in that give text something
README.md=> Hi
git clone https://github.com/kalviumcommunity/TasteTwist.git
cd TasteTwist
git branch
git checkout -b initialize-with-readme
git add README.md
git commit -m "added"
git push origin initialize-with-readme
then go to the GitHub (https://github.com/kalviumcommunity/TasteTwist) and compare and new pull request has been created click that and give the title and description for that
ex Title: Added a initialize-with-readme branch with the README.file
Descriptiion: In the README file it includes
Project Title Project Overview Key Features Tech Stack
then give the command @CodiumAI-Agent /review ------------------------ in the comment box (down of the page) after that add the link for submission
The last 7th line, Request an AI review by @CodiumAI-Agent /review, means that you are asking an AI tool called CodiumAI-Agent to review your Pull Request (PR).
We use CodiumAI in PRs because it reviews the specific code changes and gives helpful feedback before merging
Github PR link:
Vedio link:
you can use goggle meet to record a vedio in the 3rd onr layouts if you go there is a option to record click that after few minutes you get that vedio in mail
open the recording in that there will be share option click that and give share to kalvium.community and copy the link and paste it
Codium AI feedback:
⏱️ Estimated effort to review: 1 🔵⚪⚪⚪⚪ 🧪 No relevant tests 🔒 No security concerns identified ⚡ No major issues detected
Actions taken on feedback: nothing(feedback is good) if there is no action taken give NA
open already created folder for asap (ASAP TASTETWIST NEW DEMO)
cd Taste
git checkout -b dev
npm init
npm init -y
npm i express
create .gitigonre file and add these 2
node_modules/ package-lock.json
git add package.json
git commit -m "Added package.json file"
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "added .gitigonre file"
git push origin dev
open already created folder for asap (ASAP TASTETWIST NEW DEMO)
cd Taste
git checkout -b endpoint
create server.js
git add server.js
git commit -m "added server.js"
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "added .gitignore file"
git push origin endpoint
- Create a Branch Locally
- Add the MongoDB client code (connection with your server.js)- (Don't forget to add MongoDB connection link in .env)
- Add the database connection status to the home route (the home page should respond with the database connection status)
- Commit the changes and Push the branch to github
// "build": "tailwindcss -i ./src/index.css -o ./dist/output.css --minify"