Library to use with Play Framework
val appDependencies = Seq(
"net.kaliber" %% "play-prerender" % "0.11"
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
resolvers += "Kaliber Release Repository" at ""
Configured programmatically. You can use the following config settings if you use the sample code from the Usage
prerender.enabled = true
# Probably 'http://localhost:3000/ if you run locally, or '' if you use the hosted service
prerender.service = "http://localhost:3000/"
# Token for Not needed if you run server locally.
# prerender.token =
# Maximum attempts done in the case Prerender fails (default: 1)
prerender.maximumAttempts = 2
# If you require a user agent which is not present in the default list it can be added through through this configuration option.
prerender.additionalAgents = []
# (Optional) When set, a URI will only be prerendered if its query parameter names are included in the limitedParams configuration option.
prerender.limitedParams = ["goodparam", "allowedparam"]
# (Optional) When set, URIs will not be prerendered if the excludeRegex matches any part of the URI.
prerender.excludeRegex = "2222|1111"
If you feel like a useragent should be into the default list please create a new issue with a statement to why you feel it should be added to the list.
To be fleshed out. In short, create an instance of PrerenderActionBuilders
import{ PrerenderActionBuilders, PrerenderConfig }
override lazy val prerenderActionBuilders = {
val config = PrerenderConfig(
enabled = current.configuration.getBoolean("prerender.enabled").getOrElse(false),
service = current.configuration.getString("prerender.service").getOrElse(""),
ssl = current.configuration.getBoolean("prerender.ssl").getOrElse(false),
token = current.configuration.getString("prerender.token"),
maximumAttempts = current.configuration.getInt("prerender.maximumAttempts").getOrElse(1))
excludeRegex = current.configuration.getString("prerenderen.excludeRegex")
limitedParams = current.configuration.getStringList("prerenderen.limitedParams").map(_.toSet)
Then use this to create an action, for example:
def index = prerenderActionBuilders.async { request =>"/public", "index.html")(request)
MIT License.