A simple Play Framework 2.4 filter that provides basic authentication
resolvers += "Kaliber Repository" at "https://jars.kaliber.io/artifactory/libs-release-local"
libraryDependencies += "net.kaliber" %% "play-basic-authentication-filter" % "0.7"
import net.kaliber.basicAuthentication.BasicAuthenticationFilter
object Global extends WithFilters(BasicAuthenticationFilter()) with GlobalSettings
import net.kaliber.basicAuthentication.BasicAuthenticationFilter
import play.api.ApplicationLoader.Context
import play.api.BuiltInComponentsFromContext
class ApplicationComponents(context: Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) {
override lazy val httpFilters = Seq(BasicAuthenticationFilter(context.initialConfiguration))
lazy val router = ???
The filter can be configured in different ways.
If set to false, the filter does not do anything.
// default: true
This is the realm to which the security applies. Most browsers display it in the dialog.
// default: Application
basicAuthentication.realm="My Special Realm"
username and password
These are the credentials that are checked. If you do not specify them, the realm
is set to a value indicating that and it defaults to a random universal unique
identifier for both username and password.
// default: random uuid
// multiple passwords (used in combination with the same username)
Running the application in a browser should now display a basic authentication popup.
Allows you to add paths that the authentication filter ignores.
// default: empty list
basicAuthentication.excluded = ["/path1", "/path2", "/some_regexp(.*)?"]
Make sure you have the correct credentials present (in ~/.sbt/0.13/credentials.sbt
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")
Then in the sbt
console type release