- Because the ARK Node is recommended to be run on Ubuntu 16 (see the node guide), we recommend that the deployer is only run on Ubuntu 16 also.
- User running the deployer commands must be a sudoer
git clone https://github.com/ArkEcosystem/ark-deployer.git && cd ark-deployer
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.8/install.sh | bash
source ~/.profile
nvm install 8.9.1
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y jq
Follow this full guide to get the best out of your Bridgechain.
Deploy a bridgechain and explorer within its own Vagrant setup. This requires vagrant version 2 and up.
- Install Vagrant on your local computer
- Clone the ark-deployer from our repository
$> git clone https://github.com/ArkEcosystem/ark-deployer.git && cd ark-deployer
- Run the vagrant command
$> vagrant up
Vagrant will then reboot. Once finished, wait a further minute or so and you can access the Node and Explorer using the below URLs:
Node API (port forwarded):
Explorer (port forwarded):
Note: Change <MACHINE_IP> to your Machine's IP
./bridgechain.sh install-node --name MyTest --database ark_mytest --token MYTEST --symbol MT --node-ip <NODE_IP>
./bridgechain.sh start-node --name MyTest
--path - Path to install Bridgechain [/home/$USER/ark-bridgechain]
--name - Name of Bridgechain [bridgechain]
--database - Database Name [ark_bridgechain]
--node-ip - IP for node []
--node-port - Port for node [4100]
--explorer-ip - IP for explorer []
--explorer-port - Port for explorer [4200]
--token - Token Name [MINE]
--symbol - Symbol for Token [M]
--prefix - Address Prefix [M]
--forgers - How many forgers for the network [51]
--max-votes - Max Votes per Wallet [1]
--blocktime - Time per block (seconds) [8]
--transactions-per-block - Max Transaction count per Block [50]
--reward-height-start - Block Height when Forgers receive Rewards [75600]
--reward-per-block - How many Rewarded Tokens per Forged Block [200000000 (2)]
--total-premine - How many tokens initially added to genesis account [2100000000000000 (21 million)]
--max-tokens-per-account - Max amount of tokens per account [12500000000000000 (125 million)]
--config - Path to JSON config file for install options (see below section for more information)
--autoinstall-deps - Automatically install dependencies without prompt
--skip-deps - Skips check for installing dependencies
Note: Below Parameters do not work with standard wallets (with hardcoded values)
--fee-send - Fee for sending Transaction [10000000 (0.1)]
--fee-vote - Fee for Vote Transaction [100000000 (1)]
--fee-second-passphrase - Fee for Second Passphrase Transaction [500000000 (5)]
--fee-delegate - Fee for Register Delegate Transaction [2500000000 (25)]
--fee-multisig - Fee for Multisignature Transaction [500000000 (5)]
--update-epoch - Set Epoch based on time the chain was created
Note: Change <MACHINE_IP> to your Machine's IP
./bridgechain.sh install-explorer --name MyTest --token MYTEST --explorer-ip <EXPLORER_IP> --node-ip <NODE_IP>
./bridgechain.sh start-explorer
--path - Path to install Explorer [/home/$USER/ark-explorer]
--name - Name of Bridgechain [bridgechain]
--node-ip - IP for node []
--node-port - Port for node [4100]
--explorer-ip - IP for explorer []
--explorer-port - Port for explorer [4200]
--token - Token Name [MINE]
--forgers - How many forgers for the network [51]
--config - Path to JSON config file for install options (see below section for more information)
--autoinstall-deps - Automatically install dependencies without prompt
--skip-deps - Skips check for installing dependencies
As mentioned in the parameters list, it's possible to pass in a JSON config file to load all properties, although they're not all required. For a full sample file, take a look here. For a small sample, see below:
"nodeIp": "localhost",
"nodePort": 4100,
"explorerIp": "",
"explorerPort": 4200
To use a config file during an install, simply use the --config
argument. For example:
./bridgechain.sh install-node --config /path/to/config.json
If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
ARK Deployer is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.