- Middle Golang developer in MerlionTech
- DevTime 2022 "Кейс от партнёра «Калина-Малина» для тайного покупателя" case, 1rd place (Swap Tech team, made together with Danil and Oleg)
Loyalty program service backend, developed for Kalina-Malina.
Wrote it on the hackathon DevTime 2022 (link above).
Discontinued due to disagreements with customer.
Now it serves as an example of my outdated FastAPI experience.
Learning management system. Proprietary.
Goal is to deliver to people another way of learning - ask one question, answer another one question, evaluate all of them.
Stack: FastAPI/SQLAlchemy/Postgres/Redis.
Financial control application. Made financial categories sorting. Stack: NestJS/Prisma
To be filled...
- Telegram: https://t.me/kaiserroman