E-Waste Bin
The E-Waste Bin is a smart bin which can collect and segregate 5 types of waste namely Phones, Headphones, Watches, Mouses and chargers.
Nowadays, we are facing significant issues with E-Waste, they are hazardous to the environment if not disposed of properly, and some of this waste can be recycled easily. We need to collect them and segregate them for proper disposal or recycling, and this E-Waste Bin can be beneficial in doing so.
Also one must gain valuable experience in working with sensors and Arduino, making physical models, and digital models on software like Solidworks.
Stepper motor & drivers L298n x 2
Load cell & Hx711 x1
Arduino mega x1
Ultrasonic sensor x2
Dustbin x1
Webcam x1
Flywheel frame x1
Pi-shaped panel x2
Rectangular flap x1
Circular disk x1
Rectangular cardboard x5
Aluminium rods x5
Angle brackets x5
{width="6.607735126859143in" height="3.75in"}
Mechanical Aspect of the Design
The Bin is a standard-sized P.V.C. dust bin with a circular face;
Pi shaped panels
Two pi-shaped panels were cut out from thick cardboard. They are holding Load cell between them attached with nut and bolts, and a small sector from the lower panel is removed with centres of both coinciding, and thus the emerging part of the upper pane is attached to the Stepper motor.
It was cut out from a wooden panel, the spikes are strengthened by attaching aluminium strips. The solid circle in the centre holds the stepper motor (which is rotating the Pi-shaped panel) along the central axis of the bin, it works as a frame for cardboards used for inner partitioning in the bin and it also works as a base for the circular disk working as an upper lid.
This Flywheel is placed on the top of the bin, fixed by nuts and bolts.
Flap and Upper lid
The upper lid which is a wooden circular disk is standing on the flywheel frame by five aluminium rods.
A stepper motor is fixed on the centre of the lid along the central axis and its rotating part is holding the wooden flap. The height of lid so adjusted that it leaves a gap of 1cm between flap and Pi panels.
Electronics Aspect of the Design
Stepper motor
The bin uses two 12-volt stepper motors, 200 steps per rotation. These motors are controlled by L298n stepper drivers.
Using the stepper motor along with drivers provide rotations at required angles with precision at a faster speed, increasing the accuracy of the bin and saving time consumed in motion.
Arduino Mega
It has a large number of pins, hence all the sensors and motors can be connected easily.
Can be used for years as, 4 KB of EEPROM space available.
Load-cell & HX711
We used 1 Kg load cell with HX711 ADC chip.
The strain gauge provides it a high precision, it can measure very slight changes in weights making it suitable for lighter electronic waste like earphones.
Ultra sonic sensor (HC-SR04)
It can calculate accurate position of an object across two meters.
We have used it to control when to energise the Load cell and HX711 which increases their life.
Object Detection
Object detection is done by using Ultralytics Model based on YOLOv5 and Pytorch and is trained over the custom dataset.
YOLOv5 is one of the most high-performing object detectors out there. It is fast, has high accuracy and is incredibly easy to train.
Cost Structure
Components Cost(INR.)
2x Motor Driver L2898 240
2x Stepper Motors 2050
1x Arduino Mega 2200
12v Battery 900
2x Ultrasonic Sensor 100
1x Load Cell 520
1x HX711 150
1x Dustbin 750
Collects and Segregates the E-Waste.
Increases the recyclability of E-Wastes.
Can be applied with a reward/royalty point-based system.
Can only able to collect & separate only a few specific wastes like chargers, Mouse, smartphones etc.
Object detection is carried out on a laptop.
If modified for segregation in more categories then, it will consume a large space.
It's hard to empty the bin, one needs to completely remove the upper portion for doing.
Future Improvements
We can use Rasberry pi to carry out image processing and object detection and can add some more sensors to carry out segregation on basis of recyclability making it more practical.
Can be applied with an online reward-based mechanism to make it more appealing.
Team Members
Jitesh Bhati
Aastha Tembhare
Shreya Mittal
Abhay Pratap Singh
Harikhrishnan P. B.
Sanjeev Krishnan