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Error Handling Middleware in Azure Functions

This Azure Functions project demonstrates the implementation of error handling middleware to enhance reliability and error management in function execution.


Error handling middleware plays a crucial role in ensuring the resilience of Azure Functions. It captures and manages unexpected errors that may occur during function execution, providing a safety net for your application.


Implements custom error handling middleware to capture and manage exceptions Provides a consistent user experience by handling errors gracefully Enhances application reliability and resilience

Getting Started

To explore the implementation of error handling middleware in Azure Functions, follow these steps:

Clone this repository to your local machine. Open the project in your preferred development environment. Review the code in ErrorHandlerMiddleware.cs to understand the middleware implementation. Run the Azure Functions project locally or deploy it to your Azure environment. Read our blog post Enhancing Azure Function Reliability with Error Handling Middleware for a detailed guide on implementing error handling middleware in Azure Functions. Additional Resources Blog Post: Enhancing Azure Function Reliability with Error Handling Middleware - Learn more about error handling middleware and its importance in Azure Functions.