This starter project shows how to use librw within a wxWidgets based application.
This project is based on librw's camera example.
It should run on all platforms having OpenGL 3.3 and supported by librw and wxWidgets.
It has been developped on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2019.
The easiest way to get hold of the starter code is to run the following command using a shell you can run git from:
git clone
This will create the directory librw-wxWidgets-starter.
You may also download the code from GitHub via the "Download ZIP" approach.
wxWidgets and its dependencies are updated seldomly, thus they are compiled to provide binary dependencies to librw-wxWidgets-starter.
You need a shell configured with a development toolchain. For example, on Windows you could use "Visual Studio 2019 / x64 Native Tools Command Prompt".
Now run the following:
cd path/to/librw-wxWidgets-starter/extdeps
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
Compiled dependencies are installed in path/to/librw-wxWidgets-starter/extdeps/usr/local in a traditional Unix-style prefix structure.
From a Linux command prompt:
cd path/to/librw-wxWidgets-starter
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/extdeps/usr/local"
cmake --build build
From a Windows command prompt:
cd path\to\librw-wxWidgets-starter
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="%CD%\extdeps\usr\local"
cmake --build build
The librw dependency is a source dependency. It will be automatically downloaded and added to the project at configure time by CMake.
This project currently uses a forked version of librw to make librw support externally provided OpenGL3. In this case, OpenGL3 is provided to librw by wxWidgets.
In order to find the 3D graphics files, the application needs to be executed from the directory where the executable was compiled.
cd path\to\librw-wxWidgets-starter\build\src\Debug
You can also run the application from Visual Studio :
cd path\to\librw-wxWidgets-starter
start build\rwstarter.sln
Select the rwstarter project as the Startup Project and run (press F5).