- The image given by user is stored on IPFS
- Metadata for the image is stored on IPFS
- This site is deployed for Shibuya and Shiden networks
- Used wallet (browser extension) is Polkadot.js or Talisman
- Contract is deployed using Polkadot.js API
- Use OpenBrush to learn more about PSP34 and use the wizard to create the contract that this dApp will be deploying
We changed from solidity to ink version by referring to the site below and proceeded with front-end work after linking ipfs. Writing an NFT Collectible Smart Contract
We have been studying blockchain for two months and this project started on July 2. So we're not used to using github yet, so we put it up at the end. I ask for your understanding.
- 4uphwang - https://t.me/jrbr7282
- k-c-h-a-n - [email protected]
- Unchain68 - [email protected]
- yhc125 - [email protected]