This repository contains PyTorch implementation for the paper "Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Neural Networks through an Implicit Composite Kernel" [1] (ICK, currently under review) and "Estimating Causal Effect using Multi-task Deep Ensemble" [2] (CMDE, accepted by ICML 2023).
An illustration of ICK Framework
An illustration of CMDE Framework
The structure of this repository is given below:
: This module contains the implementation of most of the benchmark models used in ICK and CMDE
: Collaborating Causal Networks [3]
: Causal effect inference with deep latent-variable models [4], served as a benchmark in CMDE
: Counterfactual Regression [5], served as a benchmark in CMDE
: Causal Multi-task Gaussian Process [6], served as a benchmark in CMDE
: Contains the definition of data loaders for generating multimodal data forjoint_nn
models (e.g. CNN-RF) in ICK
: Deep Counterfactual Network with Propensity Dropout [7], served as a benchmark in CMDE
: Deep Orthogonal Networks for Unconfounded Treatments [8], served as a benchmark in CMDE
: Contains helper functions forjoint_nn
models (e.g. CNN-RF) in ICK
: Contains the definition of joint deep neural network models (e.g. CNN-RF), served as a benchmark in ICK
: Contains trainer classes for fitting benchmark models in this
: X-learner [9] where the base learner is either random forest (RF) or Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) [10], served as a benchmark in CMDE paper
: This directory contains all the datasets used for conducting experiments in CMDE paper.experiments
: This directory contains all the scripts needed for replicating the experiments in ICK (seesynthetic_data
) and CMDE (seecausal_inference
) paper.kernels
: This module contains the implementation details of Nystrom approximation (ICK-y) and Random Fourier Features (ICK-r) as well as the definition of commonly used neural network (NN) architectures and kernel
: Contains the definition of NN architectures with variational
: Contains the definition of various activation functions used for building NN
: Contains commonly used kernel functions for both Nystrom approximation and Random Fourier Features
: Contains the definition of NN architectures (e.g. dense, convolutional) with deterministic
: Contains user-specified implicit kernels based on Nystrom
: Contains user-specified implicit kernels based on Random Fourier Features (working in progress)
: This module contains the implementation of the ICK/CMDE
: Contains the definition of the ICK
: Contains the definition of the Causal Multi-task Implicit Composite Kernel (CMICK) framework. Note that based on this definition, CMDE is considered a subset of CMICK since we can easily replace NN with a user-defined kernel as inkernels/
: This module contains the utility and helper functions used for fitting the ICK
: Contains constant variables used for other scripts in this
: Contains the definition of data loaders for generating multimodal
: Contains helper functions (e.g. train-validation-test split)
: Contains loss functions used for training CMDE and other benchmark models in causal inference tasks. Note that ICK uses conventional regression loss functions (e.g. MSE loss) for
: Contains metrics for model evaluation in causal inference (i.e. CMDE and other benchmark models)
: Contains trainer classes for fitting ICK (or ICK ensemble) and making predictions
ICK is typically used to fit multi-modal data (e.g. a dataset containing both images and tabular data). To construct an ICK model, we first need to determine the types of kernels we want to use for each modality. Say we want to one kernel implied by a convolutional neural network to process images widh dimension
from model import ICK
from kernels.kernel_fn import periodic_kernel_nys
kernel_assignment = ['ImplicitConvNet2DKernel', 'ImplicitNystromKernel']
kernel_params = {
'input_width': 100,
'input_height': 100,
'in_channels': 3,
'latent_feature_dim': 16,
'num_blocks': 2,
'num_intermediate_channels': 64,
'kernel_size': 3,
'stride': 1
'ImplicitNystromKernel': {
'kernel_func': periodic_kernel_nys,
'params': ['std','period','lengthscale','noise'],
'vals': [1., 365., 0.5, 0.5],
'trainable': [True,True,True,True],
'alpha': 1e-5,
'num_inducing_points': 16,
'nys_space': [[0.,365.]]
model = ICK(kernel_assignment, kernel_params)
Note that here we also specify the architecture and periodic kernel parameters through the argument kernel_params
, including the depth (num_blocks
) and width (num_intermediate_channels
) of the convolutional network, the filter size (kernel_size
), and the initial values of those trainable parameters in the periodic kernel including std, period, length scale, and a white noise term. After constructing the model, we can use the Trainer
classes in utils.train
to fit it. Please refer to the notebook tutorial_1d_regression.ipynb
for a more detailed tutorial of fitting ICK (as well as other variants of ICK such as variational ICK, ICK ensemble, etc.) to multi-modal data in a simple regression task.
CMDE/CMICK is typically used for estimating the causal effect of a binary treatment from an observational dataset. Say we have covariates
from model import ICK, CMICK
alpha_H, alpha_T, alpha_HT = ...
f_H = ICK(
'input_dim': 30,
'latent_feature_dim': 512,
'num_blocks': 1,
'num_layers_per_block': 1,
'num_units': 512,
'activation': 'relu'
f_T = ICK(
'input_dim': 30,
'latent_feature_dim': 512,
'num_blocks': 1,
'num_layers_per_block': 1,
'num_units': 512,
'activation': 'relu'
f_HT = ICK(
'input_dim': 30,
'latent_feature_dim': 512,
'num_blocks': 1,
'num_layers_per_block': 1,
'num_units': 512,
'activation': 'relu'
baselearner = CMICK(
control_components=[f_H], treatment_components=[f_T], shared_components=[f_HT],
control_coeffs=[alpha_H], treatment_coeffs=[alpha_T], shared_coeffs=[alpha_HT],
Note that we borrow the ICK
template to define the neural networks for torch.nn.Module
. After constructing the ensemble, we can also use the Trainer
classes in utils.train
to fit it. Please refer to the notebook experiments/causal_inference/synthetic_data_experiment.ipynb
for an example of fitting CMDE to a synthetic toy dataset in causal inference setting.
If you publish any materials using this repository, please include the following Bibtex citation:
title={Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Neural Networks through an Implicit Composite Kernel},
author={Ziyang Jiang and Tongshu Zheng and Yiling Liu and David Carlson},
journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
title={Estimating causal effects using a multi-task deep ensemble},
author={Jiang, Ziyang and Hou, Zhuoran and Liu, Yiling and Ren, Yiman and Li, Keyu and Carlson, David},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
[1]. Jiang, Ziyang, Tongshu Zheng, and David Carlson. "Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Neural Networks through an Implicit Composite Kernel." arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.07384 (2022).
[2]. Jiang, Ziyang, et al. "Estimating causal effects using a multi-task deep ensemble." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2023.
[3]. Zhou, Tianhui, William E. Carson IV, and David Carlson. "Estimating potential outcome distributions with collaborating causal networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.01664 (2021).
[4]. Louizos, Christos, et al. "Causal effect inference with deep latent-variable models." Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).
[5]. Shalit, Uri, Fredrik D. Johansson, and David Sontag. "Estimating individual treatment effect: generalization bounds and algorithms." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2017.
[6]. Alaa, Ahmed M., and Mihaela Van Der Schaar. "Bayesian inference of individualized treatment effects using multi-task gaussian processes." Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).
[7]. Alaa, Ahmed M., Michael Weisz, and Mihaela Van Der Schaar. "Deep counterfactual networks with propensity-dropout." arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.05966 (2017).
[8]. Hatt, Tobias, and Stefan Feuerriegel. "Estimating average treatment effects via orthogonal regularization." Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 2021.
[9]. Künzel, Sören R., et al. "Metalearners for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects using machine learning." Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 116.10 (2019): 4156-4165.
[10]. Hill, Jennifer L. "Bayesian nonparametric modeling for causal inference." Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 20.1 (2011): 217-240.