Service for calculating the cheapest x hour period for electricity. API is designed to be compatible with existing Shelly scripts.
- Axum HTTP server running in a Lambda behind an API Gateway serves a single endpoint which returns 200 if your device should be turned on, and 400 if off.
- Worker lambda which fetches electricity pricing for the current period and stores it
- Message handler lambda which handles backoff for retrying if new pricing data is not available
- Pulumi is the chosen IaC framework for the project
Changes are automatically deployed by the CI/CD pipeline for main
Deployment can be done locally as well with pulumi
, docker
& aws-cli
Infra related to the worker & message handler is located in lambda-infra directory. Before deployment, you need to set the alarmEmail
configuration value. Both Lambdas are containerized and the containers are built & pushed to ECR separately in the CI/CD pipeline.
pulumi config set alarmEmail [email protected]
docker build -t $REGISTRY/$REGISTRY_ALIAS/$REPOSITORY:latest -f worker/Dockerfile .
docker build -t $REGISTRY/$REGISTRY_ALIAS/$REPOSITORY:latest -f worker/message-handler .
pulumi up
The server runs in a lambda (as well), but it's deployed as an asset. The package will be built on deploy.
pulumi up --yes
Message handler & worker lambdas can be developed locally with cargo lambda
brew tap cargo-lambda/cargo-lambda
brew install cargo-lambda
# in worker / message-handler directory
cargo lambda watch
To invoke the locally running lambda with an SQS Message
cargo lambda invoke worker --data-ascii "{ \"Records\": [] }"
cargo lambda invoke message-handler --data-ascii "{ \"Records\": [] }"
Running the server with live-reload can be done with cargo lambda
cargo lambda watch
# check api-docs
# query an endpoint
curl "http://localhost:9000/lambda-url/waterheater-calc/api/v2/waterheater/country/fi/cheapest-period?hours=1&start=0&end=5"