A simple lightweight (~33MB) GUI autoclicker made in Go using Fyne and Robotgo
Go to releases and download the package
Also, If you have the Fyne CLI:
go install fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne@latest
You should be able to run
fyne get github.com/checkm4ted/glicker
- Can go up to 1000 CPS! (Cannot go higher because of the timeBeginPeriod limitation from windows
- Fast as f*** thanks to Go
- Slick UI thanks to Fyne
- Supports 7 different mouse buttons!
- Custom toggle key
- Random delay between clicks!
- Go
- Fyne CLI
fyne package
- ~~~Multiple mouse buttons at once~~~
- Cross-platform
Thanks to Fyne For making such a great cross platform GUI and to Robotgo for allowing me to make it go clicky clicky. Also to Gohook because it's the only working keyboard event handler that I could find for Windows.