New OPENQASM 2.0 translator to work with Qiskit.
The current release is v0.33. This README is on the master
branch and may reflect changes that have occurred since the last release.
comes with NO WARRANTY and NO GUARANTEE of correctness nor of applicability of use. See LICENSE.
generates a qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit
from nuqasm2 AST as well as simply generating AST experimentally.
Tne nuqasm2
command itself is a test driver: the companion project qis_job
optionally uses nuqasm2
code to assemble OPENQASM 2.O instead of using the Qiskit qasm parser.
This work is based on Open Quantum Assembly Language
Thanks to the authors of that work and to the IBM Qiskit Team, a world-class research and development group.
is the class file that translates OPENQASM 2.O source into a Python dictionary with 4 keys:
- Filepaths
- Datetimes
- Name of unit
- Ops
- Declarations
- Comments
- User gate definitions (e.g.,
- User gate definitions (e.g.,
- Saved source
There are many options controlling what gets generated.
There is a detailed explanation of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) output in the doc/
Output can include
- Source file path
- Line number
- Original source
- Element type
- Parameter values
- Other appropriate translation elements
is the class file that converts nuqasm2 AST to qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit
Note that when using the nuqasm2
command, any qasm source file which does include "";
will need
either to be in the current directory, or in a directory mentioned to the -i --include_path
Issues welcome, including comments and suggestions.
$ nuqasm2 -h
usage: nuqasm2 [-h] [-n NAME] [-o OUTFILE] [-i INCLUDE_PATH] [-a] [-c] [-d]
[-p | -t] [--perf_filepath PERF_FILEPATH] [-q] [-u] [-v]
[--save_pgm_source] [--save_element_source]
[--save_gate_source] [--save_source] [--show_gate_decls]
[--sortby SORTBY]
[filepaths [filepaths ...]]
Implements qasm2 translation to python data structures. Working from _Open
Quantum Assembly Language_ ......
Copyright 2019 Jack Woehr [email protected] PO Box 51, Golden, CO
80402-0051. Apache-2.0 license -- See LICENSE which you should have received
with this code. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
positional arguments:
filepaths Filepath to 1 or more .qasm file(s) (default stdin)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME Give a name to the translation unit (default 'main'
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
File to which to write output overwriting silently,
default is stdout
-i INCLUDE_PATH, --include_path INCLUDE_PATH
Search path for includes, paths separated by ':',
default include path is '.'
-a, --ast print the AST
-c, --circuit Generate circuit
-d, --draw Draw generated circuit
-p, --profile Profile translator run, writing to stderr and also to
file if --perf_filepath switch is also used (-p,
--profile is mutually exclusive with -t, --timeit)
-t, --timeit Time translator run (1 iteration) (gc enabled) (-t,
--timeit is mutually exclusive with -p, --profile)
--perf_filepath PERF_FILEPATH
Save -p --profile data to provided filename
-q, --qasm with -c, output qasm from completed circuit
-u, --unknown exit with error on unknown element in source
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity each -v up to 3
--save_pgm_source Save program source in output
Save element source in output
--save_gate_source Save gate source in output
--save_source Save all source regions of output (equivalent to
--save_pgm_source --save_element_source
--show_gate_decls Show gate declarations in code section output
--sortby SORTBY Sort sequence for performance data if -p switch used
... one or more of the following separated by spaces
in a single string on the command line, e.g., --sortby
"calls cumtime file" : 'calls' == call count 'cumtime'
== cumulative time 'file' == file name 'module' ==
file name 'ncalls' == call count 'pcalls' == primitive
call count 'line' == line number 'name' == function
name 'nfl' == name/file/line 'stdname' == standard
name 'time' == internal time 'tottime' == internal
time ... default is cumtime
$ cat
// Testing nuqasm2 unroll
// C3 gate: Toffoli
gate foo a,b,c
h c;
cx b,c; tdg c;
cx a,c; t c;
cx b,c; tdg c;
cx a,c; t b; t c; h c;
cx a,b; t a; tdg b;
cx a,b;
$ cat foo.qasm
// foo.qasm ... test nuqasm2 unroll
include "";
include "";
qreg q[3];
creg c[3];
rx(pi/2) q[0];
foo q[0], q[1], q[2];
measure q -> c;
$ nuqasm2 -c -d -i ~/work/QISKit/DEV/qiskit-terra/qiskit/qasm/libs:. foo.qasm
┌────────────────────────┐ ┌───┐ ┌─┐
q_0: |0>┤ Rx(1.5707963267948966) ├──────────────■─────────────────────■────■───┤ T ├───■──┤M├───
└────────────────────────┘ │ ┌───┐ │ ┌─┴─┐┌┴───┴┐┌─┴─┐└╥┘┌─┐
q_1: |0>────────────────────────────■───────────┼─────────■───┤ T ├───┼──┤ X ├┤ Tdg ├┤ X ├─╫─┤M├
┌───┐ ┌─┴─┐┌─────┐┌─┴─┐┌───┐┌─┴─┐┌┴───┴┐┌─┴─┐├───┤└┬───┬┘└┬─┬┘ ║ └╥┘
q_2: |0>──────────┤ H ├───────────┤ X ├┤ Tdg ├┤ X ├┤ T ├┤ X ├┤ Tdg ├┤ X ├┤ T ├─┤ H ├──┤M├──╫──╫─
└───┘ └───┘└─────┘└───┘└───┘└───┘└─────┘└───┘└───┘ └───┘ └╥┘ ║ ║
c_0: 0 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═══╩══╬═
║ ║
c_1: 0 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╬══════╩═
c_2: 0 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════