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pdfschedule is a Python 3 script for creating PDF documents showing one's weekly schedule of events.


pdfschedule requires Python 3.8 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install pdfschedule and its dependencies:

python3 -m pip install pdfschedule


pdfschedule [<OPTIONS>] [<infile> [<outfile>]]

Input — formatted as described below under "Input Format" — is read from <infile> (defaulting to standard input), and the resulting PDF is written to <outfile> (defaulting to <infile> with its file extension changed to .pdf, or to standard output if <infile> is standard input).


-C, --color Color the event boxes various colors instead of just grey.
-E TIME, --end-time TIME
 Specify the time of day at which each day should start. Times are specified in the format HH:MM using 24-hour time, the minutes being optional (and optionally separated from the hour by a colon or period). Defaults to half an hour before the earliest event start time or 00:00, whichever is later.
-F FONT, --font FONT
 Typeset text in the given font. FONT must be either the name of a builtin PostScript font or the path to a .ttf file. By default, text is typeset in Helvetica.
-f SIZE, --font-size SIZE
 Set the size of the font used for event information to SIZE (default 10). The names of the days of the week are typeset at SIZE * 1.2; the times of day are typeset at SIZE / 1.2.
-M, --start-monday
 Use Monday as the first day of the week instead of Sunday.
-p, --portrait Typeset the table in "portrait mode," i.e., with the shorter side of the paper as the width. The default is to typeset it in "landscape mode."
-s FACTOR, --scale FACTOR
 Divide the length of each side of the table by FACTOR. Without this option, the table fills the whole page, except for a one-inch margin on each side.
-S TIME, --start-time TIME
 Specify the time of day at which each day should end. Times are specified in the format HH:MM using 24-hour time, the minutes being optional (and optionally separated from the hour by a colon or period). Defaults to half an hour after the latest event end time or 24:00, whichever is earlier.
-T, --no-times Do not show the times for each hour line.
--no-weekends Do not show Sunday and Saturday.

Input Format

Input is a YAML list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents a single weekly event and must contain the following keys:

(optional) The (possibly multiline) text to display in the event's box on the schedule

The days of the week on which the event occurs, specified as a string of one or more of the following abbreviations in any order (optionally with intervening whitespace and/or commas):

Abbreviation Day
Su or Sun Sunday
M or Mo or Mon Monday
T or Tu or Tue Tuesday
W or We or Wed Wednesday
H or R or Th or Thu Thursday
F or Fr or Fri Friday
Sa or Sat Saturday

Case is significant. Unknown abbreviations are ignored.

The start & end times of the event in the format HH:MM - HH:MM. Times are specified in 24-hour format, the minutes being optional (and optionally separated from the hour by a colon or period).
(optional) The background color of the event's box, given as six hexadecimal digits. The default background color is either grey or, if --color is in effect, taken from a small palette of basic colors based on the event's index.


The following input file:

- name: Garfield impersonation
  days: M
  time: 7-9
  color: "FFB04E"

- name: Work to live
  days: MTWRF
  time: 9-17

- name: |
    Exercise class
    (The one on Main Street)
  days: M, W, F
  time: 17:00 - 18:00
  color: "29FF65"

- name: Have they brought back my favorite show yet?
  days: R
  time: 19-19.30
  color: "FF84DF"

- name: Poor decisions
  days: F
  time: 22-23.59
  color: "000000"

- name: Sleep in
  days: SatSun
  time: 7-12
  color: "4226C4"

produces (using the default options) an output file that looks like this: