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Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept. CI Status MIT License

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rsrepo is my personal command-line program for managing my Rust project repositories, including generating packaging boilerplate and performing releases. While it may in theory be suitable for general use, I make no guarantees, nor do I intend to release it for general consumption. Use at your own risk.


rsrepo [<global options>] <subcommand> ...

All rsrepo subcommands other than rsrepo new must be run inside a Cargo package directory & Git repository (after processing the --chdir option, if given). Cargo workspaces are currently not supported.

Certain commands automatically edit packages' and/or files; these files are expected to adhere to specific formats, documented in doc/ and doc/, respectively.

Global Options

  • -c <file>, --config <file> — Read configuration from the given file; by default, configuration is read from ~/.config/rsrepo.toml. See "Configuration File" below for more information.

  • -C <dir>, --chdir <dir> — Change to the given directory before taking any further actions

  • -l <level>, --log-level <level> — Set the logging level to the given value. The possible options are "OFF", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", and "TRACE", all case-insensitive. The default value is "INFO".

External Dependencies

Various rsrepo subcommands make use of the following external programs or configurations:

  • Git — required by the new, mkgithub, and release subcommands

  • pre-commit — optional dependency of the new subcommand; a warning will be emitted if not installed

  • Cargo — required by the release subcommand

    • If using rsrepo release to publish a package, a Cargo registry API token must have been saved with Cargo.
  • A GitHub access token must either be set via the GH_TOKEN or GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable or else have been saved with gh in order for various commands to perform GitHub REST API requests

  • The release subcommand creates a signed Git tag, and so gpg (or another program specified via Git's gpg.program config variable) must be installed and usable

Configuration File

The configuration file (located at ~/.config/rsrepo.toml by default) is a TOML file with the following fields:

  • author (required) — The author name to use when rsrepo new generates Cargo.toml and LICENSE files

  • author-email (required) — The author e-mail to use when rsrepo new generates a Cargo.toml file; this may contain a placeholder of the form {package}, which will be replaced with the name of the package being initialized.

  • github-user — The GitHub username to use when rsrepo new generates Cargo.toml and files and when rsrepo mkgithub creates a repository. If this is not set, the value is fetched via the GitHub API when needed.

  • codecov-token — Default value that the rsrepo mkgithub command should use for the CODECOV_TOKEN secret when no value is specified on the command line or in the environment

rsrepo new

rsrepo [<global options>] new [<options>] <directory>

Create a new Git repository at the given directory path and populate it with basic files for a new Cargo project.

The following files are created in the directory:

  • .github/renovate.json5
  • .github/workflows/test.yml
  • .gitignore
  • .pre-commit-config.yaml (pre-commit install is also run if pre-commit is installed)
  • Cargo.toml
  • src/ (if creating a library crate)
  • src/ (if create a binary crate)


  • --bin — Create a binary crate

  • --copyright-year <string> — Specify the copyright year(s) to put in the LICENSE file; defaults to the current year

  • -d <text>, --description <text> — Specify a description for the new package; if not specified, the description field in Cargo.toml will be commented out.

  • --lib — Create a library crate. This is the default if neither --bin nor --lib is given.

  • --msrv VERSION — Specify the minimum supported Rust version to declare for the new package; defaults to the latest stable rustc version with the patch component removed. The version must be given as either two or three dot-separated integers.

  • --name <name> — Specify the package name to declare in the Cargo.toml file; defaults to the basename of the directory

  • --repo-name <name> — Specify the GitHub repository name (sans owner) to use in URLs in generated files; defaults to the package name

rsrepo mkgithub

rsrepo [<global options>] mkgithub [<options>] [<name>]

Create a new GitHub repository for the project, set the local repository's origin remote to point to the GitHub repository, and push all branches & tags to the remote. In addition, if the package.repository field in the package's Cargo.toml is unset, it is set to the web URL of the GitHub repository; if instead the field differs from the web URL, a warning is emitted.

The GitHub repository will be created under the user account for the GitHub access token in use. Creating a repository under an organization is currently not supported.

The package description (if any) is used as the repository description. The package's keywords are used as the repository's topics, along with the "rust" topic; in addition, if the package's file has a "WIP" badge, the "work-in-progress" topic is added. The custom labels used by the .github/renovate.json5 file generated by rsrepo new are created in the repository, a CODECOV_TOKEN secret is set for GitHub Actions, automerging of PRs is enabled, and the tests listed in the .github/workflows/test.yml file generated by rsrepo new are registered as required checks for merging PRs.

The bare name of the repository to create (e.g. hello-world, not octocat/hello-world or can optionally be specified as an argument on the command line; if not given, the repository name is determined by parsing the package.repository field in the Cargo.toml file, falling back to the package name if there is no such field. When parsing the package.repository field, it is an error if the repository owner given in the URL differs from the github-user configuration value.


  • --codecov-token <secret> — Specify the value to use for the CODECOV_TOKEN secret. This option can be set via the CODECOV_TOKEN environment variable, and a default value can be set via the configuration file.

    If no value is not set and --no-codecov-token is not given, a warning is emitted.

  • --no-codecov-token — Do not set the CODECOV_TOKEN secret

  • -P, --private — Make the new repository private

rsrepo release

rsrepo [<global-options>] release [<options>] [<version>]

Prepare & publish a new release for a package.

The version of the release can be either specified explicitly on the command line or (if one of --major, --minor, or --patch is given) calculated by bumping the version extracted from the most recently-created Git tag; in the latter case, the metadata identifier (if any) is discarded from the version, and it is an error if the bumped version is a prerelease. If no version or bump option is given on the command line, the version declared in the Cargo.toml file is used after stripping any prerelease & metadata components; it is an error if this version is less than or equal to the version of the latest Git tag. Except when an explicit version argument is given, it is an error for the latest Git tag to not be a Cargo semver version with optional leading v.

This command performs the following operations in order:

  • The version field in Cargo.toml is set to the release version. If the package contains a binary crate, the version in Cargo.lock is set as well.

  • If exists, the header for the topmost section is edited to contain the release version and the current date. It is an error if the topmost section header already contains a date.

  • If the release version is not a prerelease and the has a "WIP" badge, the badge is changed to "Active."

  • If publish in Cargo.toml is not false, links to and (if the package contains a library crate) are added to's header links.

  • The copyright years in the first copyright line in LICENSE are updated to include all years in which commits were made to the repository, including the current year. A line is treated as a copyright line if it is of the form "Copyright YEARS AUTHOR" or "Copyright (c) YEARS AUTHOR" (optional leading whitespace allowed for both forms), where the "YEARS" component consists of year numbers, dashes, commas, and/or spaces. It is an error if LICENSE does not contain a copyright line.

  • All changes made to tracked files in the repository are committed; the text of the most recent section is included in the commit message template.

    • The release can be cancelled at this point by either leaving the commit message unchanged or by deleting the entire commit message.
  • The commit is tagged (as v{version}) and signed.

  • If publish in Cargo.toml is not false:

    • Any untracked files in the repository are moved to $GIT_WORK_TREE.stash/, where $GIT_WORK_TREE is the path to the toplevel of the Git repository's working tree. (Note that ".stash" is here an extension appended to the basename of the directory, not a subdirectory of $GIT_WORK_TREE.)

    • cargo publish is run.

    • Any files in $GIT_WORK_TREE.stash/ are moved back to the Git repository, and the stash directory is deleted.

  • The commit & tag are pushed; it is assumed that they are pushed to GitHub.

  • If the repository does not contain a .github/workflows/release.yml workflow, then a GitHub release pointing to the new tag is created in the project's GitHub repository. The name of the release is the first line of the tagged commit's commit message, and its body is the rest of the commit message. If the new version is a prerelease, the GitHub release is marked as a prerelease as well.

    • The project's GitHub repository is identified by parsing the URL for the local Git repository's origin remote.
  • If the badge in was set to "Active" earlier, then any "work-in-progress" topic is removed from the GitHub repository's topics, and if publish in Cargo.toml is additionally not false, the "available-on-crates-io" topic is added.

  • Development on the next version is started:

    • The version field in Cargo.toml (and Cargo.lock, if the package contains a binary crate) is set to the next minor version after the just-released version, plus a "-dev" prerelease segment.

    • If a file does not exist, one is created with a section for the release that was just made (with text set to "Initial release"). Either way, an empty section for the next minor version is added to the top of the changelog. In addition, a link to on GitHub is added to's header links if not already present.


  • --major — Set the release's version to the next major version after the most recent Git tag

  • --minor — Set the release's version to the next minor version after the most recent Git tag

  • --patch — Set the release's version to the next micro version after the most recent Git tag

rsrepo set-msrv

rsrepo [<global-options>] set-msrv <version>

Set the package's MSRV as declared in Cargo.toml and's badges to the given rustc version. A basic attempt at updating to mention the change is also performed.