This fork was created to improve the diff mode of neovim to show more useful information when comparing lines between files in diff view. Line comparisons are made in a more useful way to show which lines are actually being added, changed, and deleted.
enable this enhanced diff mode by using :set diffopt+=linematch:{n}. Where n is the maximum total number of lines of the diff hunk. The line match diff opt is disabled automatically when diffing more than three files at once. A reasonable setting is ":set diffopt+=linematch:50", this will align the most similar lines for a diff hunk in two buffers, 25 lines long in each, or a diff hunk between 3 files, 20 lines, 20 lines, and 10 lines. The limit is placed to prevent lag when a very diff hunk is present, in the case that the specified line number is exceeded, the default diff behaviour is resumed.
This may be able to be converted to a plugin, but doing so would take much more work because the original diff mode would first need to be completely hidden. All the locations with diffs would need to be overwritten with the text from the linematch diff output. This would include writing text over locations which are marked as filler lines, which I don't believe is possible to do. Changing lines would need to be done on different "fake lines", because part of the functionality here moves around the lines to align them between the diff buffers. Additionally, By default the diff mode in vim is very bad compared to other editors like Emacs and vs-code, so by default VIM should have a comparable high quality diff view because other editors do.
The 3d case (for 3 buffers) of the algorithm implemented when diffopt 'linematch' is enabled. The algorithm constructs a 3d tensor to compare a diff between 3 buffers. The dimmensions of the tensor are the length of the diff in each buffer plus 1 A path is constructed by moving from one edge of the cube/3d tensor to the opposite edge. Motions from one cell of the cube to the next represent decisions. In a 3d cube, there are a total of 7 decisions that can be made, represented by the enum df_path3_choice which is defined in buffer_defs.h a comparison of buffer 0 and 1 represents a motion toward the opposite edge of the cube with components along the 0 and 1 axes. a comparison of buffer 0, 1, and 2 represents a motion toward the opposite edge of the cube with components along the 0, 1, and 2 axes. A skip of buffer 0 represents a motion along only the 0 axis. For each action, a point value is awarded, and the path is saved for reference later, if it is found to have been the optimal path. The optimal path has the highest score. The score is calculated as the summation of the total characters matching between all of the lines which were compared. The structure of the algorithm is that of a dynamic programming problem. We can calculate a point i,j,k in the cube as a function of i-1, j-1, and k-1. To find the score and path at point i,j,k, we must determine which path we want to use, this is done by looking at the possibilities and choosing the one which results in the local highest score. The total highest scored path is, then in the end represented by the cell in the opposite corner from the start location. The entire algorithm consits of populating the 3d cube with the optimal paths from which it may have came. However, we cannot apply the general 3d case before first populating the edges and the surfaces of the cube. Therefore, there are several sets of if / else statements inside the main loops which determine which case to evaluate.
As the function to calculate the cell of a tensor at point i,j,k is a function of the cells at i-1, j-1, k-1, the whole tensor doesn't need to be stored in memory at once. In the case of the 3d cube, only slices (along k and j axis) are stored in memory. For the 2d matrix (for 2 files), only two rows are stored at a time.
In the 3d case, 3 arrays are populated to memorize the score (matched characters) of the 3 buffers, so a redundant calculation of the scores does not occur
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make install
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- Build with
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