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Fullstack Singlepage WebApp for a digital Contact-book with GeoCoding und Maps Integration

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ADViz - Digital Contact-book


ADViz is a full Stack singlepage Web Application for a digital Contact-book with GeoCoding and Maps Implementation. As a User you can create, edit, delete and search for Contacts, see them and their location on a Map. The Server provides several endpoints / HTTP requests for the User to interact with the Database.

There are 2 valid User logins: Admina (admin role) and Normalo (normal user role). Registration is not possible yet. More information in the Installation Guide.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, GeoCoding, Google Maps API

Dependencies / APIs / Frameworks

NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Nodemon, TrueWay GeoCoding, Google Maps JavaScript API, Maps JS API Loader

How to Install and Use

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to install and try out ADViz locally

0. Prerequisites

Make sure you have NodeJS, MongoDB and MongoShell installed on your machine. If not, please refer to the links above and follow the tutorials for your OS. If you wish, you can also use MongoDB Compass, a GUI for MongoDB.

PLEASE NOTE: There might be differences in the commands for different versions of MongoDB. This guide refers to Version 6.0

1. Code Checkout

At first, you need to check out the repository. Open a terminal or Git CLI and navigate to a directory where you want to install ADViz and run the following command:

git clone

Or using the commit hash:

git clone `URLTORepository`
cd `into your cloned folder`
git checkout commithash

2. Installation of Dependencies and packages

Open up the cloned repository in your favorite code editor and run the following command in your terminal:

npm install

Make sure to take a look at the index.html file in /public/index.html and check if the IDE asks you to install additional UNPKG packages like the Font Awesome Script and the Maps JavaScript API Loader which is needed to load the Google Maps API.
Now add your Google Maps JS Api key in public/js/function.js (Line 35). You also need to add a GeoCoding API Key (Line 356). I used and tested this WebApp with TrueWay Gecoding.

3. Creating the Database and importing needed data

You need a local MongoDB instance and MongoSh to run ADViz. Make sure everything is properly installed.

If MongoDB is not running as a service / daemon on your machine, you can start it with the following command: mongod --dbpath *PATH TO YOUR DB/DATA FOLDER* (Standard path is C:\data\db)

If the local MongoDB instance is running, you can open a new terminal and navigate to the folder where you cloned the repository and execute the init script: mongosh localhost:27017/advizDB initDB.js

PLEASE NOTE: If you are using MongoDB below Version 6.0, you have to use mongo instead of mongosh.

Now the database should be created and the needed collections should be filled with data.

4. Starting the Server

We use Nodemon to start the Server. This also automatically restarts the server if you make changes to the code. To start the Server you need to run the following command in the terminal:
npm run dev

If you wish to manually stop the server, press Strg+C. If everything worked fine, you should see the following logs in the server console:

Successfully connected to AdViz Database!
Server connection established! 
Listening on port 3000... 

5. Running the Application in your browser

Make sure you are using an up-to-date web browser. To open the application in your browser, open a new tab and enter the following URL: http://localhost:3000. You should see the AdViz Login Page. The Register and Reset Password buttons are not yet functional. To login, use one of the following credentials:

Username: admina Password: password // Admin Rights, can see all contacts and can edit or delete them.
Username: normalo Password: password // Normal User, can see all public contacts and can edit their own.

You can observe the process in the server console:

Login attempt for user: admina ...
Login successful ... Sending response...

After you have logged in, you should see the map screen with your own contacts shown on the left and on the map.


  • If the map or the markers are not shown, make sure you have installed the Maps JavaScript API Loader UNPKG package as mentioned above
  • If you are using a different port than 27017, you have to change the port in the initDB.js script.
  • The Map might have a "Developer Mode" watermark. This is normal due to the API Key restrictions. You can replace the API Key in the index.html file with your own key if needed. The map should still work.
  • If you cant login, make sure you have created the database and imported the data using the script. If you are using MongoDB Compass, you can see the data in the Compass GUI. Alternatively, you can use the mongo (below 6.0) or mongosh (6.0+) shell commands to check if the data is there.


Fullstack Singlepage WebApp for a digital Contact-book with GeoCoding und Maps Integration






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