This provides an OPINIONATED collection of scripts to set up oh-my-zsh and oh-my-posh to your Azure Cloud Shell environment.
If you want to apply oh-my-zsh to your Azure Cloud Shell environment, follow the steps below:
Open your Azure Cloud Shell.
Make sure you are in the bash prompt. If you are in the PowerShell prompt, enter
to switch the prompt. -
Clone this repository to your Azure Cloud Shell.
git clone ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell
Run the following commands and follow the instruction on the screen.
The command above will install the Spaceship theme by default. If you prefer the Powerlevel10k theme, run the following command:
# Turn on the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/ -t p10k -c # Turn off the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/ -t p10k
Restart your Azure Cloud Shell.
If you want to turn on or off the clock feature while using the Powerlevel10k theme, run the following command:
# Turn on the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/ -c source ~/.p10k.zsh # Turn off the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/ source ~/.p10k.zsh
If you want to apply oh-my-posh to your Azure Cloud Shell environment, follow the steps below:
Open your Azure Cloud Shell.
Make sure you are in the PowerShell prompt. If you are in the bash prompt, enter
to switch the prompt. -
Clone this repository to your Azure Cloud Shell.
git clone ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell
Run the following commands and follow the instruction on the screen.
The command above will install the Spaceship theme by default. If you prefer the Powerlevel10k - Rainbow theme, run the following command:
# Turn on the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/install.ps1 -Theme p10k -WithClock # Turn off the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/install.ps1 -Theme p10k
If you want to turn on or off the clock feature while using the Powerlevel10k - Rainbow theme, run the following command:
# Turn on the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/switch-p10k-clock.ps1 -WithClock . $PROFILE # Turn off the clock feature ~/oh-my-azure-cloud-shell/switch-p10k-clock.ps1 . $PROFILE
- Themes:
- Plugins:
- Themes:
- Plugins: