A multiplayer rpg mapping tool
Install Node and NPM
Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Clone this repo
git clone http://www.github.com/justinwash/rpg-tool
Install PostgreSQL
brew install postgresql
Install the
clibrew install diesel
cd into rpg-tool/server and run
cargo build
Chances are high you'll run into some issues here if you've never worked with rust before. Things like
not being installed, etc. Google the error messages until it compiles successfully (or ask me for help). -
Start up the rust server with
cargo run
cd into rpg-tool/client and run
npm install
Start up the react client with
npm start
When working you won't want to have to recompile your server manually every time you make a change.
Install the watch command for Cargo
cargo install cargo-watch
Then when starting up the project run (in two separate terminal tabs)
npm start
in /clientcargo watch -i .gitignore -i "target/*" -s "cargo run"
in /serverThis tells cargo to recompile your rust project on save, and since npm sym-links to the /target/pkg directory it will also trigger a refresh of the react dev server and refresh your browser