KAI polls the Kubernetes API on an interval to retrieve which Docker images are currently in use.
It can be run inside a cluster (under a Service Account) or outside (via any provided Kubeconfig).
Install the binary or Download the Docker image
Kai can be run as a CLI, Docker Container, or Helm Chart
By default, Kai will look for a Kubeconfig in the home directory to use to authenticate (when run as a CLI).
$ kai
"timestamp": "2020-09-21T21:36:46Z",
"results": [
"namespace": "docker",
"images": [
In order to run kai as a container, it needs a kubeconfig
~ docker run -it --rm -v ~/.kube/config:/.kube/config anchore/kai:v0.1.0
"timestamp": "2021-01-26T22:22:03Z",
"results": [
"namespace": "kube-node-lease",
"images": []
"namespace": "kube-public",
"images": []
"namespace": "default",
"images": [
"tag": "anchore/kai:v0.1.0",
"repoDigest": "sha256:668cd005062d5a5b04dcf822556c02da50cbc08db079d2a0fe4ea45a396e0ac1"
KAI is the foundation of Anchore Enterprise's Runtime Inventory feature. Running KAI via Helm is a great way to retrieve your Kubernetes Image inventory without providing Cluster Credentials to Anchore.
KAI runs as a read-only service account in the cluster it's deployed to.
In order to report the inventory to Anchore, KAI does require authentication material for your Anchore Enterprise deployment. KAI's helm chart automatically creates a kubernetes secret for the Anchore Password based on the values file you use, Ex.:
password: foobar
It will set the following environment variable based on this: KAI_ANCHORE_PASSWORD=foobar
If you don't want to store your Anchore password in the values file, you can create your own secret to do this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: kai-anchore-password
type: Opaque
and then provide it to the helm chart via the values file:
existingSecret: kai-anchore-password
KAI's helm chart is part of the charts.anchore.io repo. You can install it via:
helm repo add anchore https://charts.anchore.io
helm install <release-name> -f <values.yaml> anchore/kai
A basic values file can always be found here
# same as -o ; the output format (options: table, json)
output: "json"
# same as -q ; suppress all output (except for the inventory results)
quiet: false
# use structured logging
structured: false
# the log level; note: detailed logging suppress the ETUI
level: "warn"
# location to write the log file (default is not to have a log file)
file: ""
# enable/disable checking for application updates on startup
check-for-app-update: true
# Which namespaces to search (can just be a single element "all" or it can be multiple)
- default
- docker
- kube-system
# Can be one of adhoc, periodic (defaults to adhoc)
mode: periodic
# Only respected if mode is periodic
polling-interval-seconds: 300
anchore: {}
# url:
# user: admin
# password: foobar
# http:
# insecure: false
# timeoutSeconds: 10
Note: Can't point this to ./kai because there's already a subdirectory named kai
go build -o <localpath>/kai .
To build a docker image, you'll need to provide a kubeconfig.
Note: Docker build requires files to be within the docker build context
docker build -t localhost/kai:latest --build-arg KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig .
Kai comes with shell completion for specifying namespaces, it can be enabled as follows. Run with the --help
command to get the instructions for the shell of your choice
kai completion <zsh|bash|fish>