This project simulates using OpenCV as well as Gazebo, the searching and the path obtained by A* algorithm for a rigid robot in a map with obstacles.
- Clone the repository using
git clone
- Please overlay your turtlebot3 package first (Instructions given below for overlaying)
Create a ROS package with name "phase3"
and paste all the files from the cloned folder inside the /package_name folder- Type
and then next typesource devel/setup.bash
- Run the code using the command
- Note: The orientation is to be entered in radians
roslaunch <package_name> astar_planning.launch x_pos:=3 y_pos:=0 start_orientation:=0 x_goal_pos:=0 y_goal_pos:=3 goal_orientation:=0
- To run the program with default arguments (default x_pos:=3 y_pos:=0 start_orientation:=0 x_goal_pos:=0 y_goal_pos:=3 goal_orientation:=0)
roslaunch <package_name> astar_planning.launch
- After launching a window will pop-up showing the map using OpenCV visualization, then hit any key on the on that window to begin the simulations.
Overlaying can be useful when two or more packages are needed to run from your project package.
- In terminal navigate to turtlebot3 ros packages and type
source devel/setup.bash
- Navigate to your project_workspace and delete any previous devel and build files and type
- Now again type
source devel/setup.bash
- Create the workspace and source folder with command
mkdir -p ws_name/src
- Go in src and type command
- In folder ws_name type command
- Go in src and type
catkin_create_pkg pakage_name rospy std_msgs (other dependencies)
- Go back in ws_name again and type
- Navigate to src/package_name/src/ and create the talker and subscriber
- In package_name create the launch folder and inside that create the launch file 8)To run a ros project in ws_name type catkin_make first then source devel/setup.bash and then roslaunch <name_of_package> <name_of_launch_file>
ROS Melodic
Turtlebot 3
For Astar planning:
Python 3.7