版本变化 What’s Changed
- merge: from dev to master @fit2bot (#43)
- feat: 增加 pg ssl 的 mode 字段 @fit2bot (#42)
- fix: 修复大数导致的精度丢失问题 @fit2bot (#40)
- fix: 修复 pg ssl key 无法读取的问题 @fit2bot (#39)
- feat: bump node from 16.20 to 20.15 @fit2bot (#31)
- perf: update mvn build @fit2bot (#38)
- feat: support pg ssl @fit2bot (#37)
- perf: update rxjs version @fit2bot (#36)
- perf: update base image build @fit2bot (#34)
- chore: update checkout action @fit2bot (#32)
- v4.1.0 @fit2bot (#30)