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Fix block diag (#321)
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* Fix block diag

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blegat authored Sep 26, 2023
1 parent 2321de2 commit eff34b0
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Showing 4 changed files with 169 additions and 77 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -364,5 +364,6 @@ PolyJuMP.Bridges.Constraint.ToPolynomialBridge

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/src/tutorials/Symmetry/dihedral.jl
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Expand Up @@ -149,17 +149,17 @@ function solve(G)

g = gram_matrix(con_ref).blocks #src
@test length(g) == 5 #src
@test g[1].basis.polynomials == [y^3, x^2*y, -y] #src
@test g[2].basis.polynomials == [-x^3, -x*y^2, x] #src
@test g[1].basis.polynomials == [y^3, x^2*y, y] #src
@test g[2].basis.polynomials == [-x^3, -x*y^2, -x] #src
for i in 1:2 #src
I = 3:-1:1 #src
Q = g[i].Q[I, I] #src
@test size(Q) == (3, 3) #src
@test Q[2, 2] 1 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[1, 2] -5/8 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[1, 2] 5/8 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[2, 3] -1 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[1, 1] 25/64 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[1, 3] 5/8 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[1, 3] -5/8 rtol=1e-2 #src
@test Q[3, 3] 1 rtol=1e-2 #src
end #src
@test length(g[3].basis.polynomials) == 2 #src
Expand Down
191 changes: 119 additions & 72 deletions src/Certificate/Symmetry/block_diag.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,94 +1,91 @@
import DataStructures

_isapproxless(a::Real, b::Real) = a < b
function _isapproxless(a::Complex, b::Complex)
if real(a) real(b)
return isless(imag(a), imag(b))
return isless(real(a), real(b))

_reorder!(F::LinearAlgebra.Schur{T}) where {T}
Given a (quasi) upper triangular matrix `S`
returns the permutation `P` so that
`P' * S * P` has its eigenvalues in increasing order.
Given a Schur decomposition of a, reorder it so that its
eigenvalues are in in increasing order.
By (quasi), we mean that if `S` is a `Matrix{<:Real}`,
then there may be nonzero entries in `S[i+1,i]` representing
Note that if `T<:Real`, `F.Schur` is quasi upper triangular.
By (quasi), we mean that there may be nonzero entries in `S[i+1,i]` representing
complex conjugates.
In that case, the complex conjugate are permuted together.
If `S` is a `Matrix{<:Complex}`, then `S` is triangular.
If `T<:Complex`, then `S` is triangular.
function _permutation_quasi_upper_triangular(S::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
n = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(S)
function _reorder!(F::LinearAlgebra.Schur{T}) where {T}
n = length(F.values)
# Bubble sort
sorted = false
P = SparseArrays.sparse(one(T) * LinearAlgebra.I, n, n)
function permute!(i, j)
I = collect(1:n)
J = copy(I)
J[i] = j
J[j] = i
swap = sparse(I, J, ones(T, n), n, n)
S = swap' * S * swap
P *= swap
while !sorted
prev_i = nothing
sorted = true
i = 1
while i <= n
permute =
!isnothing(prev_i) &&
(real(S[i, i]), imag(S[i, i])) <
(real(S[prev_i, prev_i]), imag(S[prev_i, prev_i]))
S = F.Schur
if (T <: Real) && i < n && !iszero(S[i+1, i])
#if S[i+1, i] < S[i, i+1]
# permute!(i, i + 1)
if permute
if i - prev_i == 2
permute!(prev_i, i)
permute!(prev_i + 1, i + 1)
permute!(prev_i, i)
permute!(i, i + 1)
sorted = false
# complex
prev_i = i
i += 2
# complex pair
next_i = i + 2
if permute
permute!(prev_i, i)
if i - prev_i == 2
permute!(i - 1, i)
sorted = false
prev_i = i
i += 1
next_i = i + 1
if !isnothing(prev_i) && _isapproxless(S[i, i], S[prev_i, prev_i])
select = trues(n)
select[prev_i:(i-1)] .= false
select[next_i:end] .= false
LinearAlgebra.ordschur!(F, select)
sorted = false
prev_i = i
i = next_i
return P

# `A` and `B` may be not upper triangular because of the permutations
function _sign_diag(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, B::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
# We can multiply by `Diagonal(d)` if `d[i] * conj(d[i]) = 1`.
# So in the real case, `d = ±1` but in the complex case, we have more freedom.
function _sign_diag(
tol = Base.rtoldefault(real(T)),
) where {T}
n = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(A)
d = ones(T, n)
for i in 1:n
minus = zero(real(T))
not_minus = zero(real(T))
for j in 1:(i-1)
for (I, J) in [(i, j), (j, i)]
a = A[I, J]
b = B[I, J]
for j in 2:n
if T <: Real
minus = zero(real(T))
not_minus = zero(real(T))
for i in 1:(j-1)
a = A[i, j]
b = B[i, j]
minus = max(minus, abs(a + b))
not_minus = max(not_minus, abs(a - b))
if minus < not_minus
d[i] = -one(T)
B[:, i] = -B[:, i]
B[i, :] = -B[i, :]
if minus < not_minus
d[j] = -one(T)
B[:, j] = -B[:, j]
B[j, :] = -B[j, :]
i = argmax(abs.(B[1:(j-1), j]))
if abs(B[i, j]) <= tol
rot = A[i, j] / B[i, j]
# It should be unitary but there might be small numerical errors
# so let's normalize
rot /= abs(rot)
d[j] = rot
B[:, j] *= rot
B[j, :] *= conj(rot)
return d
Expand All @@ -104,6 +101,55 @@ function _try_integer!(A::Matrix)

_rotate_complex(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, B::AbstractMatrix{T}; tol = Base.rtoldefault(real(T))) where {T}
Given (quasi) upper triangular matrix `A` and `B` that have the eigenvalues in
the same order except the complex pairs which may need to be (signed) permuted,
returns an othogonal matrix `P` such that `P' * A * P` and `B` have matching
low triangular part.
The upper triangular part will be dealt with by `_sign_diag`.
By (quasi), we mean that if `S` is a `Matrix{<:Real}`,
then there may be nonzero entries in `S[i+1,i]` representing
complex conjugates.
If `S` is a `Matrix{<:Complex}`, then `S` is upper triangular so there is
nothing to do.
function _rotate_complex(
tol = Base.rtoldefault(real(T)),
) where {T}
n = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(A)
I = collect(1:n)
J = copy(I)
V = ones(T, n)
pair = false
for i in 1:n
if pair || i == n
pair = abs(A[i+1, i]) > tol
if pair
a = (A[i+1, i], A[i, i+1])
b = (B[i+1, i], B[i, i+1])
c = a[2:-1:1]
if LinearAlgebra.norm(abs.(a) .- abs.(b)) >
LinearAlgebra.norm(abs.(c) .- abs.(b))
a = c
J[i] = i + 1
J[i+1] = i
c = (-).(a)
if LinearAlgebra.norm(a .- b) > LinearAlgebra.norm(c .- b)
V[i+1] = -V[i]
return SparseArrays.sparse(I, J, V, n, n)

orthogonal_transformation_to(A, B)
Expand All @@ -113,22 +159,23 @@ Return an orthogonal transformation `U` such that
Given Schur decompositions
`A = Z_A * S_A * Z_A'`
`B = Z_B * S_B * Z_B'`
We further decompose the triangular matrices `S_A`, `S_B`
to order the eigenvalues:
`S_A = P_A * T_A * P_A'`
`S_B = P_B * T_B * P_B'`
Since `P' * S_A * P = D' * S_B * D`, we have
`A = Z_A * P * Z_B' * B * Z_B * P' * Z_A'`
function orthogonal_transformation_to(A, B)
As = LinearAlgebra.schur(A)
T_A = As.Schur
Z_A = As.vectors
P_A = _permutation_quasi_upper_triangular(T_A)
Bs = LinearAlgebra.schur(B)
T_B = Bs.Schur
Z_B = Bs.vectors
P_B = _permutation_quasi_upper_triangular(T_B)
d = _sign_diag(P_A' * T_A * P_A, P_B' * T_B * P_B)
return _try_integer!(Z_B * P_B * LinearAlgebra.Diagonal(d) * P_A' * Z_A')
P = _rotate_complex(T_A, T_B)
T_A = P' * T_A * P
d = _sign_diag(T_A, T_B)
D = LinearAlgebra.Diagonal(d)
return _try_integer!(Z_B * D * P' * Z_A')

function ordered_block_diag(As, d)
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions test/symmetry.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,50 @@ function _test_orthogonal_transformation_to(T::Type)
0 0 1
_test_orthogonal_transformation_to(A1, A2)
A1 = T[
-1 0 1
1 1 0
0 1 -1
A2 = T[
-1 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 -1
_test_orthogonal_transformation_to(A1, A2)
A1 = T[
-1 1 1
2 1 0
0 1 0
A2 = T[
0 1 0
0 1 2
1 1 -1
_test_orthogonal_transformation_to(A1, A2)
A1 = T[
0 1 1
2 0 0
0 1 -1
A2 = T[
-1 1 0
0 0 2
1 1 0
_test_orthogonal_transformation_to(A1, A2)
A1 = ComplexF64[
0 1 1
2 0 0
0 1 -1
A2 = ComplexF64[
-1 1 0
0 0 2
1 1 0
_test_orthogonal_transformation_to(A1, A2)

Expand Down

2 comments on commit eff34b0

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@blegat blegat commented on eff34b0 Sep 26, 2023

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