Modular RPC client for C# NEO blockchain.
Still on testing phase, do not use it on the MainNet!
This project will be rename to neo-modules and it will host small different packages to help C# devs to start working on Neo. It follows a similar struture as Nethereum to ease the migration of Ethereum devs to Neo. This will include:
- base types used on neo-project;
- hex and string operations;
- KeyPair generation encryption /decryption, NEP6 implementation
- Signing of transactions and other more top level operations (to be decided)
Each of these will get is own nuget package.
Develop with decoupling in mind to make maintenance and new RPC methods implemented more quickly:
- Client base - Neo.JsonRpc.Client project
- RPC client implementation - Neo.JsonRpc.RpcClient project
- DTO'S, Services, Helpers - Neo.RPC (main project)
- Tests - Neo.RPC.Tests
- Demo - Simple demonstration project
Setup the rpc client node
var rpcClient = new RpcClient(new Uri(""));
var NeoApiService = new NeoApiService(rpcClient);
With NeoApiService you have all the methods available, organized by: Accounts, Assets, Block, Contract, Node, Transaction
Then you just need to choose the wanted service, call SendRequestAsync()
and pass the necessary parameters if needed.
var accountsService = NeoApiService.Accounts;
var state = accountsService.GetAccountState.SendRequestAsync("ADDRESS HERE");
If you don't need all the services, you can simply create an instance of the desired service.
var blockService = new NeoApiBlockService(new RpcClient(new Uri("")));
var bestBlockHash = await blockService.GetBestBlockHash.SendRequestAsync();
All rpc calls return a DTO or a simple type like string or int.
You can also create a service to query NEP5 tokens. Note For the results to be human readable, these methods do not return the original result from the rpc node.
var client = new RpcClient(new Uri(""));
var scriptHash = "08e8c4400f1af2c20c28e0018f29535eb85d15b6"; //TNC token
var nep5Service = new NeoNep5Service(client, scriptHash);
var name = await nep5Service.GetName();
var decimals = await nep5Service.GetDecimals();
var totalsupply = await nep5Service.GetTotalSupply(decimals);
var symbol = await nep5Service.GetSymbol();
var balance = await nep5Service.GetBalance("0x0ff9070d64d19076d08947ba4a82b72709f30baf", decimals);
Token info:
Name: Trinity Network Credit
Symbol: TNC
Decimals: 8
TotalSupply: 1000000000
Balance: 1457.82
- Bruno Freitas - BrunoFreitasgit
- Some base code comes from Nethereum
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details